New stories and photos for 2006

01-22-06  Cruise 2006!
04-16-06  Tornado strikes Greenwood
05-27-06  Southwest excursion
06-20-06  California for a second time
06-24-06  Greenwood Freedom Festival
06-25-06  The cousins take a tour
07-01-06  Concrete pour
07-02-06  Marie's 80th birthday party
07-16-06  Johnson County Fair
08-12-06  150th Indiana State Fair
08-23-06  Texas, part one
08-26-06  Indianapolis Air Show 2006
08-27-06  Home-A-Rama
09-09-06  Stacy's 36th birthday party
09-10-06  Construction continues
09-17-06  RC Air Show at Rike Airfield
09-27-06  Texas, part two
09-30-06  A day with Hope
11-14-06  Racing in the desert
11-23-06  Thanksgiving already?
12-15-06  Hope visits Disney World


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Scott and Amanda Cassin maintain this site ("the Site") for your personal entertainment, information, education, and communication.  Feel free to browse the Site and re-use any of the content, but at your own risk.