White River Township Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance

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ARTICLE I General Provisions ARTICLE XII Other Requirements
ARTICLE II Plan Review ARTICLE XIII Investigation of Fires
ARTICLE III Permitting and Inspection ARTICLE XIV Smoke Detectors
ARTICLE IV Automatic Fire Protection Systems ARTICLE XV Property Maintenance
ARTICLE V Exits and Egress ARTICLE XVI Records
ARTICLE VI Fire Resistive Construction Requirements ARTICLE XVII Fees, Fines, Variances, and Appeals
ARTICLE VII Signage and Building Numbering ARTICLE XVIII Schedule of Fees
ARTICLE VIII Prohibited Parking and Removal of Obstructions ARTICLE XIX Definitions and Terms
ARTICLE IX Open Burning, Recreational Fires, and Use of Grills ARTICLE XX Disclaimers
ARTICLE X Key Boxes ARTICLE XXI Approval and Adoption
ARTICLE XI Emergency Entry INDEX Index of Articles


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