White River Township Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance



1.       Article I – General Provisions                                                                                                                    3

a.       Section 1 – Purpose                                                                                                                   3

b.       Section 2 – Applicability                                                                                                             3

c.        Section 3 – Authority                                                                                                                   3

d.       Section 4 – Organization                                                                                                            3

2.       Article II – Plan Review                                                                                                                               4

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    4

b.       Section 2 – Fire Protection Requirements                                                                             4

                                                   i.      Fire Hydrants                                                                                                                4

1.       General                                                                                                         4

2.       Multiple Family, Commercial and Industrial Development                 5

3.       Single Family Residential Development                                                6

4.       Sprinkler Systems or Standpipes                                                            6

5.       Dry Hydrants                                                                                                 6

6.       Public and Private Fire Hydrants                                                              6

                                                  ii.      Fire Department Access                                                                                            7

                                                iii.      Fire Department Access Roads                                                                               7

                                                 iv.      Gates and Other Traffic Controlling Devices                                                         8

                                                  v.      Response Map Updates                                                                                           8

                                                 vi.      Fees                                                                                                                               8

3.       Article III – Permitting and Inspection                                                                                                      9

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    9

b.       Section 2 – Right of Entry                                                                                                           9

c.        Section 3 – Inspection Process                                                                                               9

                                                   i.      New Construction                                                                                                       9

                                                  ii.      Existing Class 1 Structures                                                                                       10

d.       Section 4 – Limits                                                                                                                       11

e.       Section 5 – Construal of Permit; Validity; Effect                                                                     11

f.         Section 6 – Service of Orders or Notices                                                                                11

g.       Section 7 – Building Permit                                                                                                       12

h.       Section 8 – Occupancy Permit                                                                                                  12

i.         Section 9 – Stop Work ORDER                                                                                                12

j.         Section 10 – Current Occupant Information                                                                           13

k.        Section 11 – Fees                                                                                                                       13

4.       Article IV – Automatic Fire Protection Systems                                                                                  14

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    14

b.       Section 2 – Hood Suppression Systems                                                                               14

c.        Section 3 – Fire Protection Systems Installation and Testing                                            14

d.       Section 4 – Tampering                                                                                                               15

e.       Section 5 – Fire Appliance Obstruction                                                                                   15

f.         Section 6 – False or Faulty Alarms                                                                                          16

5.       Article V – Exits and Egress                                                                                                                     17

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    17

b.       Section 2 – Locks and Latches                                                                                                17

c.        Section 3 – Occupant Load                                                                                                       17

d.       Section 4 – EXIT Signs                                                                                                               17

e.       Section 5 – Egress Illumination                                                                                               18

6.       Article VI – Fire Resistive Construction Requirements                                                                     19

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    19

7.       Article VII – Signage and Building Numbering                                                                                     20

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    20

b.       Section 2 – Timing of Installation                                                                                             20

c.        Section 3 – Size of Letters, Numbers and Symbols for Street and Road Signs             20

d.       Section 4 – Visibility and Legibility of Street and Road Signs                                            20

e.       Section 5 – Height of Street and Road Signs                                                                        20

f.         Section 6 – Names and Numbers on Street and Road Signs                                           20

g.       Section 7 – Addresses for Buildings                                                                                       21

h.       Section 8 – Citation Fee                                                                                                             21

8.       Article VIII – Prohibited Parking and Removal of Obstructions                                                       22

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    22

b.       Section 2 – Removal                                                                                                                  22

c.        Section 3 – Other Obstructions                                                                                                22

d.       Section 4 – Citations                                                                                                                  22

9.       Article IX – Open Burning, Recreational Fires and Use of Grills                                                     23

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    23

b.       Section 2 – Permitted Open Burning                                                                                       23

c.        Section 3 – Permit Required                                                                                                     23

d.       Section 4 – Limitations and Regulations                                                                               23

e.       Section 5 – Liability                                                                                                                     24

f.         Section 6 – Depositing of Hot Ashes and Other Dangerous Materials                            24

g.       Section 7 – Use of Grills                                                                                                            25

h.       Section 8 – Use of Open Flame Devices                                                                               25

10.    Article X – Key Boxes                                                                                                                                26

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    26

b.       Section 2 – Contents                                                                                                                  26

c.        Section 3 – Limitation                                                                                                                 26

d.       Section 4 – Voluntary Compliance                                                                                           26

11.    Article XI – Emergency Entry                                                                                                                   27

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    27

b.       Section 2 – Liability                                                                                                                     27

12.    Article XII – Other Requirements                                                                                                           28

a.       Section 1 – Traffic Signals                                                                                                         28

b.       Section 2 – Emergency Communications                                                                             28

c.        Section 3 – Unlawful to Hinder District                                                                                   28

d.       Section 4 – Driving Over Fire Hoses                                                                                       28

e.       Section 5 – Following Fire Apparatus Prohibited                                                                  28

13.    Article XIII – Investigation of Fires                                                                                                          29

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    29

14.    Article XIV – Smoke Detectors                                                                                                               30

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    30

b.       Section 2 – Locations Within Dwelling Units                                                                         30

c.        Section 3 – Loc in Efficiency Dwelling Units, Congregate Residences and Hotels      30

d.       Section 4 – Locations in Commercial Buildings                                                                  31

e.       Section 5 – Rental Properties                                                                                                   31

f.         Section 6 – Maintenance and Testing                                                                                     31

15.    Article XV – Property Maintenance                                                                                                        32

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    32

b.       Section 2 – Fire Alarm Testing                                                                                                 32

c.        Section 3 – Unsafe Structures and Equipment                                                                     32

16.    Article XVI – Records                                                                                                                                34

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    34

b.       Section 2 – Reporting                                                                                                                 34

c.        Section 3 – Availability                                                                                                                34

17.    Article XVII – Fees, Fines, Variances and Appeals                                                                            35

a.       Section 1 – General                                                                                                                    35

b.       Section 2 – Making Payment                                                                                                     35

c.        Section 3 – Failure to Pay                                                                                                          35

d.       Section 4 – Variance                                                                                                                   35

e.       Section 5 – Appeal                                                                                                                      36

f.         Section 6 – Schedule of Fees for Services Rendered                                                         36

                                                   i.      Hazardous Materials                                                                                                  36

                                                  ii.      Fire Incidents                                                                                                               37

18.    Article XVIII – Schedule of Fees                                                                                                             38

19.    Article XIX – Definitions and Terms                                                                                                      39

20.    Article XX – Disclaimers                                                                                                                          44

a.       Section 1 – Severability                                                                                                              44

b.       Section 2 – Codification                                                                                                             44

c.        Section 3 – Local Ordinances                                                                                                  44

21.    Article XXI – Approval and Adoption                                                                                                      45



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