White River Township Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance
Smoke Detectors

SECTION 1.  General

A.         Dwelling units, congregate residence, and hotel or lodging guest rooms and any other locations as required by the Indiana Fire and Building Code that are used for sleeping purposes shall have smoke detectors installed and in working order.  Detectors shall be installed in accordance with the approved manufacturer’s instructions.

B.        All smoke detectors in new residential structures shall be hard-wired into the building’s electrical system and shall be equipped with a battery backup system that will allow the device to activate and sound in the event of the interruption of the building’s house power.

C.         All detectors in new residential structures shall be wired in-series to allow one activation to sound all devices.

SECTION 2.  Locations Within Dwelling Units

            In dwelling units, a detector shall be installed in each sleeping room and at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each separate sleeping area.  When the dwelling unit has more than one story and in dwellings with basements, a detector shall be installed on each story and in the basement.  In dwelling units where a story or basement is split into two or more levels, the smoke detector shall be installed on the upper level, except that when the lower level contains a sleeping area, a detector shall be installed on each level.  When sleeping rooms are on an upper level, the detector shall be placed at the ceiling of the upper level in close proximity to the stairway.

In dwelling units where the ceiling height of a room open to the hallway serving the bedrooms exceeds that of the hallway by 24 inches or more, smoke detectors shall be installed in the hallway and in the adjacent room.  Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping areas of the dwelling unit in which they are located.

SECTION 3.  Location in Efficiency Dwelling Units, Congregate Residences and Hotels

            In efficiency dwelling units hotel suits and in hotel and congregate residence sleeping rooms, detectors shall be located on the ceiling or wall of the main room or each sleeping room.  When sleeping rooms within an efficiency dwelling unit or hotel suite are on an upper level, the detector shall be placed at the ceiling of the upper level in close proximity to the stairway.  When actuated the detector shall sound an alarm audible within the sleeping area of the dwelling unit, hotel suite or sleeping room in which it is located.

SECTION 4. Locations in Commercial Buildings

All smoke, fire detection devices, fire alarm devices and other life safety devices shall be installed as required under the rules of the FPBSC. These devices shall also be kept in working order at all times. In the event of a system failure or trouble in the system, the Fire Marshal shall be notified. 

SECTION 5. Rental Properties

It shall be the responsibility of the owner of any residential structure that is rented to anyone other the than the owner, to assure that there is working smoke detectors in the structure prior to the rental of any such structure.  It shall be the responsibility of the occupant to maintain detectors in proper working order. 

SECTION 6. Maintenance and Testing

The building owner shall comply with the applicable rules of the FPBSC to ensure that the fire and life safety systems are maintained in an operable condition at all times. Service personnel shall meet the qualification requirements of NFPA 72 as adopted by the FPBSC, for maintaining, inspecting and testing such systems. A written record shall be maintained and shall be made available to the Fire Marshal at the completion of the test. A non-working smoke detector will result in a fee as per Article XVIII. These tests shall be completed at least once annually.


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