White River Township Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance
Property Maintenance

SECTION 1.  General

            The owner of buildings and properties in the Township shall be responsible for keeping said buildings and properties maintained free of accumulations of combustible or hazardous material. The owner shall also be responsible for assuring that all fire and life safety devices are in place and operating properly.

SECTION 2. Fire Alarm Testing

A.         Testing shall be performed in accordance with NFPA 72 as adopted by the FPBSC. Where automatic testing is performed at least weekly by a remotely monitored fire alarm control unit specifically listed for the application, the manual testing frequency shall be annual. A copy of this test shall be provided to the Fire Marshal upon request.

B          Prior Notification shall be given to the Fire Marshal and the company who monitors the system prior to any testing of a monitored fire alarm system. That notification can be by telephone to the Fire Department Headquarters. Whenever or wherever any device, equipment, system, condition, arrangement, level of protection, or any other feature is required for compliance with the provisions of the Rules of the FPBSC or this ordinance, such device, equipment, system, condition, arrangement, level of protection, or other feature shall thereafter be continuously maintained in accordance with applicable Rules of the FPBSC.

SECTION 3. Unsafe Structures and Equipment

            Structures or existing equipment that are or hereafter become unsafe, unsanitary or deficient because of inadequate means of egress facilities, inadequate light and ventilation, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or which involve illegal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe condition. Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the building official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured against entry shall be deemed unsafe.

             The building official shall cause a report to be filed on an unsafe condition. The report shall state the occupancy of the structure and the nature of the unsafe condition.

             If an unsafe condition is found, the building official shall serve on the owner, agent or person in control of the structure, a written notice that describes the condition deemed unsafe and specifies the required repairs or improvements to be made to abate the unsafe condition, or that requires the unsafe structure to be demolished within a stipulated time.

            Such notice shall require the person thus notified to declare immediately to the building official acceptance or rejection of the terms of the order.

            Such notice shall be deemed properly served if a copy thereof is (a) delivered to the owner personally; (b) sent by certified or registered mail addressed to the owner at the last known address with the return receipt requested; or (c) delivered in any other manner as prescribed by local law. If the certified or registered letter is returned showing that the letter was not delivered, a copy thereof shall be posted in a conspicuous place in or about the structure affected by such notice. Service of such notice in the foregoing manner upon the owner’s agent or upon the person responsible for the structure shall constitute service of notice upon the owner.

            The structure or equipment determined to be unsafe by the building official is permitted to be restored to a safe condition. To the extent that repairs, alterations or additions are made or a change of occupancy occurs during the restoration of the structure, such repairs, alterations, additions or change of occupancy shall comply with the applicable rules of the FPBSC.


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