Director of Special Operations
Nick Alford

            Captain Joe Settles' interest in the rescue services began during his senior year of high school when he joined the department's Cadet Program in 1989.  After graduation, his educational path continued both traditionally and vocationally. 

        He attended Purdue University and also became a part-time firefighter with the department.  The reasons were twofold.  First was the ability to supplement the cost of college.  Second was the need to satisfy his desire to learn as much as possible about all aspects of rescue services.  Prior to graduation, he obtained the opportunity to work as an EMT with Wishard Ambulance Service, which provides EMS transportation for a large area including downtown Indianapolis.  Requiring greater education, Joe naturally enrolled in a Paramedic program which he successfully completed in 1996. 

        Continuing education is important to those in the rescue services.  In addition to numerous certificates of training, Joe has received master certifications in Instruction, Tactics, Management, Investigations, and Hazardous Materials.  Rigging for rescue is a discipline which hold a particular interest to him.  Having attended several in depth classes on the subject from leaders in the rigging field, Joe is able to re-deliver this information to his colleagues.  In addition to this training, Joe has completed and aided in the instruction of the Basic Emergency Rescue Technician (BERT) confined space rescue, auto extrication, trench and collapse, intermediate swift water rescue, and hazardous materials technician classes.

         In his job as the Director of Special Operations, Joe is responsible for developing training programs and instructing hazardous materials, water rescue, auto extrication, trench and collapse, and rigging related rescue operations to the members of the department.  Joe is also heavily involved in helping to prepare an annual budget for those areas.  He also serves in the capacity of line officer on both engine and rescue companies.

        In addition to his duties as a company officer and as the Director of Special Operations, Joe also serves as the Station Captain for Station 51.  Here he oversees the general operation of the fire station including the maintenance and upkeep of the building and all equipment within.  Send an e-mail to Joe by clicking HERE.


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