Future Fire Department Building Sites

 The following AutoCAD drawings are purely conceptual in nature and are for internal purposes only.

Drawing #1

bestcoverage.png (192580 bytes)
Drawing #2

Drawing #3

52-54-bluff-paddock.png (145955 bytes)
Drawing #4

These sites offer the best arrangement as well as the maximum possible coverage of 90% of the populated area. These sites are in the same location as drawing #1 with the exception of the northwest station.  It is located around the 200 block of North Morgantown Road.  Coverage is now 87% of the populated area. These sites are the in the same location as drawing #1 with the exception of the northwest station.  It is moved to Bluff and Fairview.  Coverage is now 85% of the populated area. These are the current station locations.  Coverage is at 56% of the populated area.
Drawing #5

headquarters.png (132659 bytes)
Drawing #6

alllocations.png (164263 bytes)
This graphic depicts the various potential headquarters / training facility sites. This graphic shows all of the previous locations looked at and the associated response circles.    


The total fire district size is 22 square miles.  Of these 22 square miles, 6 square miles lay West of State Road 37, leaving 16 square miles of populated area.

With our current situation of three fire stations at their present locations, and using NFPA / American Heart Association recommendations of reaching every victim within 4 minutes, we are presently protecting 10.8 square miles adequately.  However, 1.8 of these miles lay West of State Road 37, so our effective coverage of the populated area is at 9 square miles.  The following table represents these figures:  (note:  The area of coverage indicated is calculated as a percentage of that part, i.e. 56% of the populated area is covered adequately, whereas 49% of the entire district is covered adequately)

Total Fire District

Current Coverage

Populated Area: 

16 sq mi


Populated Area Covered: 

9 sq mi


Un-populated Area: 

6 sq mi


Un-populated Area Covered: 

1.8 sq mi



22 sq mi


Total Area Covered: 

10.8 sq mi


By adding a fourth station to the area of Olive Branch and State Road 135 (with all other station locations remaining the same), our total area of coverage increases to 13.92 square miles, again, of which 1.8 of these lie West of State Road 37.  This brings our effective coverage of the populated region to 12.1 square miles, as depicted in the following chart:

Total Fire District

Current Coverage

Populated Area: 

16 sq mi


Populated Area Covered: 

12.1 sq mi


Un-populated Area: 

6 sq mi


Un-populated Area Covered: 

1.8 sq mi



22 sq mi


Total Area Covered: 

13.9 sq mi


Because of the many variables involved with future station locations, it is difficult to report every potential scenario.  Since priority is given obviously to maximizing coverage and reducing overlap, ideally Station 51 would be moved North and West while at the same time moving Station 53 to the South and slightly East.  Now couple this strategy with the facts that land is disappearing at an alarming rate and that I-69 could play a significant role, and an enormous project is at stake.  This is only the first step.  The following are a few scenarios considering current land options:



Keeping all stations where they are now and moving Station 51 to Olive Branch and 135 (three stations total), the following occurs:

Total Fire District

Current Coverage

Populated Area: 

16 sq mi


Populated Area Covered: 

9.9 sq mi


Un-populated Area: 

6 sq mi


Un-populated Area Covered: 

1.8 sq mi



22 sq mi


Total Area Covered: 

11.7 sq mi




Utilizing four stations as depicted in drawing number 3 above.  Station 51 would be moved to the area of Bluff and Fairview, Station 52 would remain where it is currently, Station 53 would be moved to Paddock and Olive Branch, and an additional station built at Olive Branch and 135.  The following are the statistics for this scenario:

Total Fire District

Current Coverage

Populated Area: 

16 sq mi


Populated Area Covered: 

13.7 sq mi


Un-populated Area: 

6 sq mi


Un-populated Area Covered: 

1.6 sq mi



22 sq mi


Total Area Covered: 

15.3 sq mi




Utilizing four stations as depicted in drawing number 2 above.  Station 51 would be moved to the area of the 200 block of North Morgantown Road, Station 52 would remain where it is currently, Station 53 would be moved to Paddock and Olive Branch, and an additional station built at Olive Branch and 135.  The following are the statistics for this scenario:

Total Fire District

Current Coverage

Populated Area: 

16 sq mi


Populated Area Covered: 

13.9 sq mi


Un-populated Area: 

6 sq mi


Un-populated Area Covered: 

0.2 sq mi



22 sq mi


Total Area Covered: 

14.1 sq mi



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