Department News Archive

          The following pages are a year-by-year account of the history of the White River Township Fire Department.  Click on the desired year to see news stories and photos from that particular year.  The small numbers to the right of each year display the number of news stories and photos for that year.  The date listed for any particular news story may not necessarily be the date of occurrence however in most cases it will be the date of publication.  If you have more information on a particular story or photo, or have photos that are not in the archive, we would love to hear about it.  Contact the administrator by clicking HERE.  For a listing of all former Fire Chiefs, click HERE.

                    Year    Stories / Photos                           Year     Stories / Photos                          Year      Stories / Photos                         Year      Stories / Photos

  • 1952          2 / 3
  • 1956          5 / 7
  • 1960        14 / 9
  • 1964        9 / 26
  • 1968          0 / 0
  • 1972      38 / 65
  • 1976      13 / 13
  • 1980    51 / 124
  • 1984      27 / 54
  • 1988      11 / 60
  • 1992      10 / 19
  • 1996      24 / 41
  • 2000    33 / 100
  • 2004    99 / 270
  • 2008   80 / 247  
  • 1953          3 / 2
  • 1957          2 / 5
  • 1961      18 / 41
  • 1965        3 / 12
  • 1969          0 / 0
  • 1973      30 / 49
  • 1977   110 / 157
  • 1981    49 / 104
  • 1985    24 / 138
  • 1989      27 / 41
  • 1993        4 / 69
  • 1997      16 / 15
  • 2001      29 / 51
  • 2005    92 / 336
  • 2009    60 / 162 
  • 1954          1 / 1
  • 1958      11 / 18
  • 1962        6 / 22
  • 1966          0 / 0
  • 1970          2 / 1
  • 1974          1 / 1
  • 1978      13 / 37
  • 1982    33 / 186
  • 1986    22 / 143
  • 1990      15 / 12
  • 1994      9 / 116
  • 1998      22 / 19
  • 2002      28 / 90
  • 2006    94 / 358
  • 2010    40 / 163
  • 1955          2 / 4
  • 1959        7 / 11
  • 1963        4 / 16
  • 1967          1 / 3
  • 1971      36 / 61
  • 1975        4 / 15
  • 1979    54 / 185
  • 1983        8 / 32
  • 1987      11 / 60
  • 1991      19 / 94
  • 1995      21 / 37
  • 1999      19 / 11
  • 2003    72 / 186
  • 2007  131 / 539
          The following individuals were instrumental in completing the colossal project of copying, cutting, pasting, re-typing, scanning, and writing stories over the seven year period it took to complete.  Their help and dedication in putting together the thousands of photos and associated news stories from many different media was greatly appreciated.  - August, 2005
Kim Clawson Amy Brown Marian Hart Carla Slauter Anna Marsh
James Meacham Kevin Skipper Jackie Emmons Scott Cassin Mike Combs


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