Mission Statement

           The following is the department's official mission statement originally developed during a weekend retreat in 1996 and subsequently updated in 2009.

"The White River Township Fire Department is committed to
protecting the lives and property of the community"


Vision Statement

     The vision statement was created during the 2009 senior staff retreat serves to define how our mission will be accomplished.

Our mission will be accomplished through:

The safety and wellbeing of our employees and their families

Using resources efficiently through teamwork

Community Risk Reduction

Superior delivery of emergency services


Core Values

      White River Township Fire Department holds as its core values, which are essential to our organization and service delivery to our community and not to be compromised, integrity, duty, honor, and pride.



 Integrity is firm adherence to a code of moral values. Having integrity means doing the

right thing. It is built with yourself, your coworkers, and those you serve. Integrity is the

foundation of character and our character is defined by how we act and what we do when

no one is looking.



Duty is the obligatory tasks, conduct, or functions that arise from assigned service.

Federal, state, and local laws establish that our department will act and provide

professional service when called upon. We act because we want to help and serve

others, not because we are legally obligated.



Honor is a showing of merited respect. Honor is caring about those around you so that

you would do anything for them. Honor is also preventing anyone from giving our

department or profession a negative image or damaging our reputation.



Pride is a reasonable or justifiable self-respect. Pride is the felling we get at the end of

job well done and the way we feel when we talk about or department, our heritage, and

our traditions.





©1997-2010 White River Township Fire Department, Inc.  -  All rights reserved

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