2009 Strawberry Festival Volunteer Signup

            If you are interested in volunteering to help with this year's festival, simply click the link below to view the current schedule for available openings.  Then, return to this page and enter the appropriate information in the form below.  The schedule will be updated generally within one to two business days following the submittal.  You may also submit cancellations or changes as well via this method as well.  On behalf of the Strawberry Festival Planning Committee, we thank you for your support.  Click HERE to see a flyer outlining the events scheduled for this year.

FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 12th and 13th, 2009
(Click the tab at the bottom of the worksheet that opens to change days)

To sign up for a shift, either fill out the form below or stop by Headquarters for more information.

                                                  Your Name:  

Date(s), time(s), and type of shift desired:



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