Chief of Fire Prevention
Eric Brown

            Chief Eric Brown began with the White River Township Fire Department 1994. In January of 1998, he was hired fulltime by the Department as the Fire Marshal. Then in October of 1999, he was hired by the District as the Fire Prevention Chief and Fire Marshal.  Chief Brown began his career in the fire service in 1985 as a cadet and has served in every rank including the rank of Fire Chief. He is certified as Fire Instructor II/III, Safety Officer, Fire Officer III, Fire Investigator I, Fire Inspector II, ICC Fire Inspector II, ICC Fire Plans Examiner, Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator, Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator, Certified Fire Investigation Instructor, Certified Juvenile Firesetter Interventionist, Indiana Basic Law Enforcement Officer and holds an Associate's Degree in  Applied Fire Science.   

            As the department's Fire Marshal, Eric oversees the Fire Prevention Division which includes public education, code enforcement, and investigations.  Some of Eric's duties include annual fire safety inspections, determining cause and origin of fires, plans review, pre-planning, and enforcing the district's fire prevention and protection ordinance.  Send an e-mail to Eric by clicking HERE.


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