White River Township Fire Department

                                                Bi-Weekly Strategic Meeting


                                                Thursday, March 6, 2008





Chief Pell

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker



Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Crystal Young



  1. Meeting called to order at 0805.


  1. Old Business
    1. Project Update

                                                              i.      Storm Siren

1.      The County Commissioners provided a letter of commitment to the Board.

a.      Chief Pell is working with the schools on the transfer

b.      Chief Cassin is working on the logistics.

2.      WR taking on the storm sirens has provided some excellent PR.  Everyone is excited that we have taken on this project and a story was in the Star over the subject.

3.      Chief Slauter stated that during the test last evening Sugar Grove was the only siren that worked.

4.      Chief Cassin also stated that the cost for the entire package of a new siren would be approximately $19,000.

a.      The number for just the siren that came from Tug Sutton was $15,000.

5.      The schools are committed to fixing the sirens and the maintenance agreement is already in place.

6.      Most of the incorporated areas in the county are already responsible for their own sirens.

7.      Hits by lightening will be covered under insurance.

a.      The cost should be $25 per siren per month and the Rotary is picking up that cost for a short time longer.

8.      Chief Brown wondered if the department could get the radio off of the tower at old Station 51 to keep around for parts.

a.      Chief Pell wondered if it would take legal wrangling since the property is already posted.

b.      Chief Brown stated that we should just take the radio (the grey box) off the tower and since it has not worked in years it shouldn’t make a difference.

c.      Chief Pell asked them to coordinate the project and see if it can be removed.

9.      Chief Pell will have them run another test once they have been fixed.

a.      He will call Tug Sutton who has stated that he will call ERS to come and fix the sirens then re-test them once they are done.

                                                            ii.      Station 53 Sewer project

1.      The engineering is complete along with the request for quote.

2.      Once the requests have been sent out and received we will be ready to start the project.

                                                          iii.      Runyon Rd. Property

1.      Chief Pell has a list of leads (approximately 7 people)

a.      The property has been shown to two people already and there is an appointment for someone to see it on Friday.

2.      Chief Pell is sure there will be bids.

a.      He has also called back the previously interested parties.

3.      The bids are due by March 17th at 2:00pm.

                                                           iv.      Station 54 property

1.      Chief Pell is still in contact with St. Francis.  They are getting an appraisal for the property.

a.      Once the appraisal is received they will discuss it with the CFO to see if they would still be interested.

b.      The design for the property was taken to the architect with the intent of a fire station being next to it.

2.      Jim Dodson has also suggested looking at the property next door to the current Station 53.

a.      If 69 comes through and takes the station the extra property could be used to build a headquarters in the same area.

b.      He believes it was purchased for $500,000 for 16 acres.

c.      Skips church currently owns the property

d.      Chief Pell has contacted the realtor and is waiting for a response.

                                                             v.      JE Mechanical

1.      They have officially closed their doors.

2.      At this point we are not sending them another dime.

                                                           vi.      Rescue 51

1.      Chief Slauter stated that we have received a preliminary offer from Brinley Mountain Fire for $80,000.

a.      We are working on a deal for the rescue and a trailer.

2.      Chief Slauter is not sure where the change from the TSU to the Rescue stands.  Capt Settles is dealing with that and he hasn’t heard anything back yet.

                                                              i.      Ambulance Service

1.      The budget has been examined.  The equipment is possible but the department is waiting on info for the SAFER Grant.  We are ready to move forward once we find out.

2.      Currently we are waiting on the property tax deal

a.      Most likely there will be a reduction in the increase.

3.      The county just gave us all the money we need to start the project.

a.      It comes down to staffing and maintaining.

4.      Once we get notice and we have received the SAFER Grant we will then be under a timeline to get the project underway.

                                                            ii.      Ladder 51

1.      L51 has been sent off for its repair work.

                                                          iii.      Battalion Chief Process

1.      The notice has gone out.

2.      The Board did retract Captains only requirement to widen the pool.

a.      If a Captain puts in for the position and fills all the requirements they will get the position.

b.      But by opening the pool it gives the department options, if not now in the future.

c.      This will also give Lieutenants a light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully they will go for the training since they feel they may have a chance.

3.      There are two Captains that are eligible.

a.      Hart and Settles

b.      Skipper could be but the state ran out of bubble sheets for him to take his test.

4.      Captain Hart will apply for the position.  At this time no one is sure if Captain Settles will.

a.      Capt. Skipper will if he takes the test for Fire Officer III

5.      Closing date for the process is March 12th.

                                                           iv.      2009 Budget Process discussion

1.      Chief Pell has drafted an e-mail to send to the department to quell the grumblings.

a.      He wanted to explain that the board wants to take a different approach.  They want to look at the factors of the tax climate and benefits into account when setting the budget.

2.      Chief Pell is asking for an open mind and not to worry about anything until it becomes an issue and we will see it coming.

3.      Chief Thacker thought that it might not be a good idea to send the e-mail at this time.

a.      An e-mail may send up a red flag.

b.      If the staff does not respond to it, it will appear to be less of an issue.

4.      Chief Pell believes that Paul Kites intentions are not bad but that his statement was not worded well.

a.      He wants to start with a clean slate and figure it out.

b.      Chief Thacker believes that it shows his lack of budgetary insight, that you can’t just start over like that.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Its compensation and its 3%.

5.      Jim Dodson has made it clear that they are hesitant to make big changes.

a.      The whole issue could come full circle, we could take everything out of the fiscal plan, give them all the information they ask for and then they could end up putting everything back once they understand how the process works.

b.      Raises could even be called a cost of living increase since that is what it actually is.

c.      For budget purposes there has to be something or we will get in the same place as Center Grove is.

6.      Chief Thacker stated that we have to plan because they won’t.

a.      Chief Pell is okay with having a plan but will keep it back until they ask.

b.      This will give us a starting point but we need to change how to present it.

c.      4% across the board sound good but firefighters actually end up loosing money.

7.      Chief Thacker believes that with the health care issue the board had no plan

a.      Chief Pell does not think the results will ultimately change but we are prepared.

                                                                                                                                      i.      He feels he is building more trust with the board.

8.      The e-mail will be put on hold to wait and see if talk starts around the department concerning Mr. Kite’s comment.

9.      Chief Pell is trying not to be an alarmist.

a.      As long as we are prepared there may be bumps along the road but it will always turn out the best.


  1. New Business
    1. Promotional Process

                                                              i.      Chief Thacker stated that the department needs an active list of Capt. and Lt.

1.      This will be a bigger issue down the road when Chief Slauter comes in the office.

2.      There hasn’t been a new Capt. list since 2004.

                                                            ii.      Chief Thacker will put together a process.

1.      He will look at books to test from and set up interview.

                                                          iii.      The whole process will be in house.  Chief Thacker will get a chief officer from outside of the department for the Lt. process.

1.      It will be a small process which will save money.

2.      We will use the test bank of questions at the assessment center.

                                                           iv.      The department is helping by offering more classes.

                                                             v.      The process will be put out there so everyone will know there is an upcoming process so they can prepare for it.

                                                           vi.      Chief Thacker will put the program together and bring it to the next senior staff.

    1. Assistance to Firefighters Grant (SCBA)

                                                              i.      The department needs to decide what we are going with before we get bids.

                                                            ii.      If we get an apples to apples bid between Scott and MSA we will end up with extra MSA stuff than we need.

1.      If we bid for the same amount of items needed we will spend more than needed on the extra items from MSA but if we bid for just what would be needed the numbers on both bids will be very different.

2.      If it is done specific to MSA it is not a fair comparison.

3.      The Scott equipment has not been tested.

                                                          iii.      Chief Thacker asked if there were money in the budget to replace all the 98 masks.

1.      Joe Marsh has separate lists on the ones that need repair and replacement.

2.      Chief Slauter stated that the largest expense will be the regulators for everyone along with the bottles that would need to be purchased from Scott.

                                                           iv.      The biggest question is if we go in the grant process would we need to state a specific manufacturer.

1.      Chief Thacker asked if it was really an issue to have too much MSA material

2.      Chief Slauter said that it wouldn’t and he has a bid for MSA on his desk right now.

a.      Would we want an upgrade?

b.      Should we get a bottle rack to have extra bottles here?

3.      Can the quote be left generic and apply for the grant for a specific amount.

a.      We need to find out if the grant will allow for a change in manufacture.

                                                             v.      Other option would be to go with gear for this years grant.

1.      Chief Pell wondered if we should wait for the SCBA for next years grant.

a.      He stated that it isn’t that much time but would be enough time to test the units and decide which on everyone wanted to go with.

b.      Chief Slauter stated that it would mean another year or two before be get the equipment and there are issues with the stuff now.

                                                           vi.      Lt. Cox would be ready now if we were to go with the gear then we could use the money we would use for gear for the SCBA.

                                                         vii.      First we need to find out if the grant can be written generic.  That way we could go with the higher bid of the Scott and change it later if we need to.

                                                       viii.      Contact the woman who did the grant for the safety trailer (Jill) or Tim Bachman.  He got the grant at Warren for the SCBA (Scott).

1.      Chief Pell will call Tim and he may have the information on the manufacturer change for the SCBA.

    1. Station 51 Update

                                                              i.      There is a water leak in the day room

1.      SteelCorp has been looking at the leak.  It is caused by the air conditioner which is getting large amounts of ice built up on it.

2.      It is a design issue of the amount of physical space where they are installed.

3.      Accutemp is re-engineering the area to raise the condenser units to allow for more area to direct the water.

                                                            ii.      The sprinklers are back on at the station.

    1. Misc. Business

                                                              i.      Firehouse issue – currently waiting on a permanent number from Comcast.

1.      There should be a dispatch link tomorrow.

2.      Some runs are missing – most likely ambulance assist runs.

                                                            ii.      Chief Thacker

1.      Completed a spreadsheet of active certificates with expiration dates.

a.      ’08 dates will be in yellow.

b.      Allows everyone to get an idea of who needs what and to get more guys trained.

                                                          iii.      Craig Zollars received a $2000 grant for the car seat set up and a safe kids program.

                                                           iv.      Chief Thacker asked if Chief Brown was ready for fire extinguisher training.

1.      Chief Brown stated that he will purchase the equipment but he is currently waiting to see if they received a grant for matching funds.


  1. Meeting called at 0922.