White River Township Fire Department

                                                Bi-Weekly Strategic Meeting


                                                Thursday, November 1, 2007





Chief Pell

Chief Brown

Chief Slauter



Chief Cassin

Chief Thacker

Crystal Young



  1. Meeting called to order at 0805.


  1. Old Business
    1. Station 51 Update

                                                              i.      The County has done their inspection.  The station did not pass but the issues were minor and many things were fixed quickly.  Only fire proof caulking was left.

1.      A new inspection will occur on Friday.  We should have a Certificate of Occupancy on Friday.

2.      Capt. Settles is in on Friday and they have already been approved to start moving some things into the station.

3.      Chief Pell would like for everything to be done so the station will be operating by the close of business on Monday the 19th.

4.      Capt. Settles has had this past week to get ready so things should move along well.

                                                            ii.      Chief Pell has drafted a letter for the community as to why the station is moving.

1.      Everyone read and was okay with the letter.  The letter will be posted to the internet and given out to the public.

2.      Chiefs Pell and Thacker talked to the neighbor across the street earlier this week and he seems very excited about the station opening.

                                                          iii.      Chief Slauter stated that the guys in the house would like to have a community dinner on December 8th.

1.      They want to do a spaghetti dinner out of their house fund.

2.      Chief Slauter told them to contact Chief Pell for permission.

3.      Chief Pell thinks it is a good idea and would like to take the money out of the budget and would like to have the immediate neighbors invited.  Chief Cassin stated that there is money left in the station construction fund for the dinner.

4.      Chief Slauter is not sure who is heading up the dinner but Chief Pell will find out.

                                                           iv.      Dispatch coordination

1.      Mike Combs is doing the redistricting.

2.      Darren is doing the apparatus changes in CAD

3.      Everyone is aware of the changes and everything should go well until set and permanent.


  1. New Business
    1. Scott Alexander IT

                                                              i.      He wants to work on a major recovery plan and strategic planning as a whole.

1.      This is what he does for a living.

2.      Chief Cassin will still be in charge of IT

a.      Rob will work on hardware (server)

b.      Scott will work on software side of it.

                                                            ii.      He will be starting on Friday

                                                          iii.      Chief Cassin stated that there is a problem with pay.

1.      He will be working IT and a shift.

2.      Should we look at him as a sub-contractor when it comes to IT?

3.      Chief Cassin stated that it is technically not the same job so it may be okay.

4.      Chief Pell stated that he should get paid at least as much as he does on shift.

a.      Scott was the one who volunteered because he sees the need and wants to help.

b.      Chief Pell would like to pay him what he is worth.  We should do what we do for everyone else in the office.

                                                           iv.      Chief Cassin is going to have him work on a data back-up system.

1.      Chiefs Pell and Cassin are going to talk about what they want him to do.

    1. Union Business (see hand-out from Chief Pell)

                                                              i.      Chief Pell had a meeting with the union rep. (Capt. Hart)

1.      There are some policy changes he will issue and some may be chief’s directives.

2.      Some of it is a policy interpretation issue.

                                                            ii.      Fitness Policy

1.      Chief Pell will clarify what house funds should be spent on.

a.      If WR is telling the guys they should be fit the department should pay for it.

2.      Chief Slauter stated that the stair stepper and treadmill at Station 53 would need to be replaced soon.

3.      Chief Pell stated that it will be $500 first then he may offer a couple thousand for a new machine.

4.      Station 53 is due for an upgrade soon and Chief Pell would like a lot of the funds to go to the exercise room.

                                                          iii.      Residency Requirement

1.      Currently there is no policy in place.

2.      He doesn’t see it as being that important.

                                                           iv.      Retiree insurance

1.      If they are to show some employee buy in the board may be interested.

                                                             v.      Trades

1.      Chief Slauter stated that during a union meeting they put something together and someone agreed to write it up and present it to the senior staff and what was presented was different from what the union agreed on.

2.      Chief Pell’s opinion is to establish a ride out list.

a.      There is a potential for a Lt. to be Battalion but let’s make sure they have the experience.

b.      If they are qualified to fill the position they should be able to do the trade.

3.      Chief Thacker believes if Battalions are on shift they should be on duty and not be covered except if the event is fire department related then they should be covered.  They shouldn’t be allowed to just leave for a couple of hours.

4.      Chiefs Slauter and Thacker believe it happens too often.  Chief Thacker stated that it is easy to miss a run covering from home.

5.      Chief Pell would like to let Chief Slauter decide how the policy needs to be and would like for them to sit down and inform the Battalions together.

                                                           vi.      Sick time

1.      Chief Pell does not want to take away PL or PA days.  He wants to warn every one of unintended consequences.

2.      Chief Pell stated that Jim Dodson wanted the entire compensation package.  He asked what he was looking for and he replied by saying that he wasn’t looking for anything specific but if he is thinking of any changes he would let him know.

3.      Chief Slauter would like to be able to send someone home if they come in sick.  Chief Pell believes he has that authority.

a.      The move may also depend on how the fire affects him.

                                                         vii.      Comp time

1.      Chief Pell is okay with banking 240 hours.

2.      Butch Sutton is the only one that keeps bringing up that issue.

3.      It became an issue when the department hired twenty guys at a time.  There was too much unfunded liability.

    1. Pool Car Usage

                                                              i.      There may be a better way by sending someone in a pool car instead of going in an apparatus every time.

1.      Chief Thacker was concerned since L53 was damaged at Hampton’s.

2.      556 is being brought back dirty and empty. (It is used by Fire Prevention)

3.      555 is to be used as the back-up Battalion at Station 51.

a.      Chief Pell will let Chief Slauter use as necessary.

                                                            ii.      When five guys are stationed at 53, the department will allow them to take the TSU to 135 corridor.

1.      St. 53 could also use the grass.  Ford stated that the vehicle needs to run.  The dually could also be used but there must be five on station.

2.      No one should bring back a vehicle dirty and empty.

                                                          iii.      The dually, grass, and TSU can be used to make store runs.

                                                           iv.      Chief Pell does want guys to stay in their district but with five guys on duty it is okay for them to go in a support vehicle.

1.      Chief Slauter believes that would be a good time to take the TSU then they could run to the other stations and fill bottles.

                                                             v.      Chief Slauter reminded everyone that the staffing software is not quite right.  He and Chief Cassin will get together and work on that.

    1. 2009 Budget / Strategic Planning Retreat

                                                              i.      Chief Pell is still deciding on which tactic would be better; put together a plan then go to the board or go to the board and set the departments goals from that.

                                                            ii.      For the next Strategic meeting he would like everyone to have a big sweeping strategy. (He wants broad strokes as to what needs to be changed for the 2009 budget.)

1.      Chief Pell will meet with the board informally and find out what they are thinking.

2.      With today’s tax climate, Chief Pell will not go to the board with a presentation of a new $600,000 truck.

                                                          iii.      The only member of the board that is up in January is Dr. Shufflebarger.

1.      Jim Dodson may be the next chair.

    1. Health Insurance

                                                              i.      The current insurance is showing a 15% increase.

1.      Chief Pell needs to sit down with Chief Cassin and discuss the firm plan.  From what he can tell there was only a 4% increase in the budget.

2.      Mr. Sutton doesn’t believe there is any increase while Chief Pell believes that there is enough in the budget to cover the increase.

a.      Chief Pell would like to sit down and come up with a plan in case.  Such as what the department is allowed to fund and what the employee is going to be forced to fund.

b.      IFD covers 80%-20%, we are currently 85%-15% and they need to look at that number instead of the dollar amount.

                                                            ii.      Chief Cassin asked where the 15% was coming from.  Mike Gaunce was at the last board meeting and gave that firm number.

1.      Chief Pell looked at all the other plans that were quoted and they were all worse plans with a higher increase.

a.      He will meet with Chief Cassin to get a better hold on the budget.

b.      Maybe we should allow the difference to come from tuition assistance or clothing allowance.

                                                          iii.      Chief Thacker believes that our firefighters need to look at the big picture.  $30 per pay is pennies.

1.      Chief Slauter stated that there was no big uprising to the increase in employee contributions to keep the current insurance.

                                                           iv.      Chief Pell stated that his goal is to get what we can and he wants to be prepared.

1.      He would like to have plan A and B etc to use as a compromise and be ready to discuss with the board.

2.      Chief Slauter stated that we need to be prepared and should have multiple approaches.

a.      He also believes we need to reiterate to the guys how good they have it.

b.      Chief Thacker stated that Mr. Hanify would like to come in and talk to the guys and let them know how he sees it and let them know how good it is here.

    1. Minimum Staffing

                                                              i.      It is currently 20 – 18 duty and 2 24 hour sign up.

1.      Chief Slauter believes that everyone else believes it is 21 and every shift ends up being overstaffed.

                                                            ii.      Chief Cassin, from the stand point of the budget, the department has funded enough for 18 spots.

1.      The department averages 2 people off per shift which leaves 16 so staffing went to 20 so the minimum could be reached.

2.      The problem is that every shift is over and in the long cycle will go over budget.

                                                          iii.      The trouble began when we ended up scheduling 20 but we began loosing 3 per shift so we were under budget so the scheduling went to 21.

1.      All 20 spots are being scheduled and battalions are calling guys to fill in and the shift ends up being over.

2.      All guys are even showing up for their shift and ending up over.

                                                           iv.      Chief Cassin asked how many are calling off.

1.      Chief Slauter stated that not many.

2.      When he schedules he only puts the names of guys that are off and those who signed up.  He only puts two people on that day for them to call if needed.

                                                             v.      Chief Pell asked when career OT kicked in.

1.      Career is called in for OT when the shift is at bare minimum (16).

a.      3 at St. 52

b.      7 at St. 51

c.      5 at St. 53

d.      1 Battalion

2.      Three officers need to be on duty every shift with at least one Captain.

3.      Once there are 5 at Station 53 that will be the first person pulled.

                                                           vi.      The senior staff needs to look at the entire approach.

1.      Staffing will now go to 21 with the move.  Minimum will be 21 and will stay 21.

2.      Other issues will be discussed between Chiefs Pell and Slauter later.

a.      Some guys are also bypassing the system by going to the battalion directly and not signing on the book and having the battalion call them directly.

3.      Once they have discussed the issues there will be a battalions meeting

a.      The Medic and Staffing issues will be written in a chief’s directive.

4.      Another issue is guys asking for days off then coming in anyway.

5.      Chief Slauter will put some ideas in writing and meet with Chief Pell.

    1. Other Business

                                                              i.      Military Leave

1.      Chief Slauter would like to put it in as a detailable event. (Detailed training)

a.      He doesn’t want to punish a guy who is serving our country.

b.      The department could add “military training” to detailed events.

                                                            ii.      Training issues

1.      Center Grove may be demolishing Maple Grove.

2.      Houses may become available on Sutton Dr. soon.


  1. Meeting called at 1025.