White River Township Fire Department

                                                Bi-Weekly Strategic Meeting


                                                Thursday, November 1, 2007





Chief Pell

Chief Brown

Chief Slauter

Lt. Cox


Chief Cassin

Chief Thacker

Crystal Young

Jason Bailey


  1. Meeting called to order at 0803.


  1. New Business
    1. Turnout Gear presentation

                                                              i.      Lt. Cox met with Chiefs Cassin and Slauter earlier in the year to discuss a yearly payment instead of a large lump sum every couple of years for gear replacement.

1.      Lt. Cox then contacted Total Fire and Firehouse Safety concerning a yearly payment for gear.  They both looked into the idea but could not get past WR not needing a loan and could never get something to work on paper.

2.      Lt. Cox wants some set rotation, currently it has been 5 years for the 1st purchase of black gear.

3.      Any tan gear is outdated and needs to be taken out of service.  There are approximately 80 sets that were purchased in ’88 or ’89.

                                                            ii.      Lt. Cox would like to have some type of 5 year rotation.

1.      The question is so we need to have back-up gear and if so who is to have it.

2.      Some need it some do not but where do you draw the line.

3.      There is a lease to purchase plan available or it can be paid by lump sum.

                                                          iii.      Lt. Cox has been trying to replace some yearly but specks change and currently there are three groups of black gear that have different specks.

                                                           iv.      Chief Pell asked if anyone has good gear now.

1.      99% have new or good gear.

2.      90 have back up (take into consideration that the tan is out of date)

3.      The senior staff and new people have no back-ups.

a.      Approx. 10 to 12 full-time guys have 2 sets of black gear.

4.      Chief Pell asked what happens to the old gear.

a.      Lt. Cox stated that it will be used if it fits any one new or if anyone needs replacement but all that is left are huge sizes or small sizes.  There are no medium sizes left.

b.      The non-shift list of people keeps getting longer but no one is leaving.

                                                                                                                                      i.      He has had two sets turned in this year.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      There is a lot of gear out there.

                                                                                                                                  iii.      New hires are unable to wear the sizes that are available so WR has to buy new gear and nothing is getting turned in.

c.      2-3 sets of gear are being replaced due to burns or damage.

d.      Chief Cassin asked how long it takes to wash gear.

                                                                                                                                      i.      32 minutes to run cycle in washer.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      24 hours to dry.

                                                                                                                                  iii.      Chief Thacker stated that he washed his gear and it was almost wearable, the machine extracts a lot of water.

                                                                                                                                   iv.      Chief Slauter worries more about the perspiration dampening the gear during the summer than washing the gear.

5.      Lt. Cox asked where to draw the line in back-up gear.

a.      Chief Pell believes career should have one and the line should be drawn at the sign up list.

b.      Chief Slauter believes that Battalions and above do not need back-up.

c.      The bulk should be in the middle to get back-up but maybe not right away but as it becomes available.

d.      There will still be stock that can be used.

                                                             v.      Chief Slauter brings up the concern of the different features on the gear now in service.

1.      All the gear meets NFPA standards but each new group has new specs.

2.      We have to keep in mind that the specs could change within 2 years of the replacement purchase of our gear depending on when they change the specs.

3.      He brought up the fact that if you go in for someone you are left wondering who has a drag strap and who doesn’t.

4.      Chief Pell believes this would be an issue no matter what since the back-up gear would still be around and worn.

a.      Chief Slauter agrees except that the likelihood that someone is in their back-up is low and having the same gear makes everything more uniform.

                                                           vi.      Lt Cox’s idea is to purchase the gear have is as the primary for 5 years, then 5 years as a back-up then take it out of service.  After that point some may still be good but there will be others that will be replaced within 5 years.

                                                         vii.      Lt. Cox could buy new sets at the end of next year.  The career people with new gear this year okay.

1.      The black that was purchased in ’04 could be the back-up for 5 years.

2.      Every other rotation could include new boots and helmets.

3.      In 2008 (or ’09) we could pay the yearly installment for 5 years then evaluate everything after.

4.      6 sets were factored in for new hires or damages.

5.      104 sets will be purchased up front but we will only pay 20%.

                                                       viii.      Chief Pell asked if the NFPA requirements just cover the drag strap.

1.      Chief Slauter stated that that is not exactly the issue, anything purchased in ’03 will hold up but he believes everyone should be on the same page so when things get bad they can go back to their training and everything is uniform.

2.      Chief Pell asked if the drag strap was big.

a.      Chief Slauter stated that uniformity is key, we train preaching uniformity.

3.      Chief Slauter stated that any gear we buy will need standards but it would be better if everything was uniform.

                                                           ix.      Chief Pell asked if we have turned gear in on insurance.

1.      Lt. Cox stated that we have a couple of times.  Chief Cassin added that if it is damaged on a fire the cost would be tacked on to the bill sent to the owners insurance as any other equipment would.

                                                             x.      Chief Pell asked how many have drag straps and could that be worked around.

1.      Lt. Cox can retro fit the gear.  Only 15-20% has a drag strap, only the ones that have been purchased this year.

2.      Lt. Cox planed to do a yearly replacement but is not getting anywhere.

a.      He reiterated that there is a number of tan gear needing replacement but the budget is not big enough since the money for the new gear comes from the same pot.

3.      The budget is enough for 17 sets of gear a year and that has not been enough for replacement also.

a.      We have been hiring more than anticipated.  They start on shift then go to sign up so we hire more for shift so we are purchasing more gear without having any turned in.

                                                           xi.      The plan for the tan gear is to donate some of it but most of it will be destroyed, they need too much repair done to them to make them safe.

                                                         xii.      Chief Thacker stated that everyone was originally on board with the idea.  What would the cost be of the lease to purchase?

1.      Lt. Cox did not have a cost on the lease to purchase at this time due to factors that had not been decided upon.

a.      He stated that Perry has done the lease to purchase and have saved money.

2.      Chief Slauter would like to know the final total.

a.      Total Fire will do the lease to purchase.  The last quote was $1200 per firefighter (head to toe)

3.      Chief Pell stated that if the discount off sets the interest paid that would be okay.

a.      He wants Lt. Cox to take the specs and quote the gear out right then get the lease to purchase price and compare.  (every other year replace head to toe)

                                                       xiii.      Lt Cox issues the uniform but some buy their own boots.  As long as they meet or exceed WR specs he will still inspect everything and note it.  If the department buys everything that is issued and it will not be used the unused items go to stock.

                                                       xiv.      Chief Pell wants to see the quote then decide how to rotate.

1.      Chief Cassin also stated that the quote will help to determine who has back-up gear.

                                                         xv.      Lt. Cox will get the quotes then get back to the senior staff asap.

1.      Firehouse is not designed for Turnout Gear.  He needs something better to track.

2.      He will also focus on having back-up gear for the middle group previously discussed.

                                                       xvi.      The purchase will have to be bid out.

1.      May have to do a sealed bid.  Just need to write specs and send out.

2.      Chief Cassin stated that you can specify a single source supplier (Morning Pride)

3.      The amount is already set in ’08 budget but the ’09 is the five year replacement.

4.      $1200 was quoted in lease to purchase while purchasing out right was $1900 for Turnout Gear.


  1. Old Business
    1. Fire Prevention Officer

                                                              i.      Chiefs Brown and Pell have both spoken to Charlie Fraker and believe he is ready and excited about the position.

                                                            ii.      Chief Pell will give the name to the board on Tuesday.

1.      He will be able to move him anytime after that.

2.      Chief Slauter stated that there were several people on sign-up that can cover his spot.

3.      The move may also depend on how the fire affects him.

    1. Hiring process update

                                                              i.      Almost all of the chief’s interviews went well.

1.      Randy Becker is the first on the list.

a.      He is a medic and well qualified.

b.      He has talked to KJ and he sees no problem.

c.      Chief Wilson stated that he has a strong personality but is good choice.

2.      The second choice is not qualified.

3.      The third on the list is Cynthia.

                                                            ii.      Nick Smith is leaving; his last day is Nov. 7th.

1.      The position will be posted to see if anyone is interested.

                                                          iii.      Scott Alexander will begin working part time on IT.

                                                           iv.      As for the hiring of the new firefighter, the department will wait until he starts then bid out the position.

1.      First Combs and Meacham will be given the option of moving back.

2.      The new guy may need to be put where a medic is needed. (B-shift is currently short)

3.      Think down the road, there is an open float on B and a need for a medic on B but if filled by the same guy that float would have to stay at St. 53.

4.      A medic needs to be at St. 53 for ALS once the move to the new station is made.

                                                             v.      The name of the new firefighter will be presented to the board on Tues.

1.      Chief Thacker will call Public Safety Medical for the first of next week.

2.      Once accepted he will have to give a two weeks notice.  If he does not have his driver/operator/pumper he will have to do that class.

3.      It will probably be the first of the year before he starts.

4.      He has already precept so his EMS is not an issue.

    1. New Station 51 Update

                                                              i.      The final county inspection has been done and they are dragging their feet on the report.

1.      They are stating that they are in no hurry since our contractor did not show up.

2.      Chief Cassin is hopeful that the report will come in today.

3.      Once the day is picked that has to be the day since so much is being coordinated.

                                                            ii.      Chief Thacker stated that we could call our commissioner but Chief Pell wants to let things shake out.

                                                          iii.      Chief Pell would like a chance to live within the rules.

1.      If we believe they are holding out we could call Tricia and have her send an e-mail to the board that the county is holding out.  Which we would hope would get the board to act.

                                                           iv.      There are no major issues; critical things may be done within 3 days.

1.      The 13th may still be okay for the move.

2.      The Hood system could be an issue; they were unable to test it and would not do so until it is working 100%.

    1. Other Business

                                                              i.      Greenwood is borrowing Engine 55 next week.


  1. Meeting called at 0930.