White River Township Fire Department

                                                Bi-Weekly Strategic Meeting


                                                Thursday, September 20, 2007





Chief Pell

Chief Brown

Chief Slauter



Chief Cassin

Chief Thacker

Crystal Young



  1. Meeting called to order at 0805.
  2. Old Business
    1. None
  3. New Business
    1. Chief Pell

                                                              i.      He and Chief Thacker have set up a Company Officer meeting for Thursday the 27th.  This will allow him to give the officers the talk of expectations first hand so they know and are able to ask questions.

1.      He will reiterate the chain of command and that it will be followed up and down.  If he sees an issue he will bring it up to the Battalion or Operations depending on the issue instead of straight to the guys.  He expects everyone else to do the same.  Take the issue to who is in charge.

                                                            ii.      One of his pet peeves is phone etiquette.  He does not want anyone to say “I haven’t seen them all day” so he would like for everyone to utilize the in & out board so there is no perception that no one is ever in the office.

                                                          iii.      There are items he will be updating for the District Board.

1.      He attended the Johnson County Council meeting concerning the budget which was approved.  No cuts are anticipated at this time.

a.      There were many questions but that was to be expected because of the new tax climate.

b.      For Perry, they were okayed for their ’08 budget but emergency loans will not happen again.

2.      Chief Pell asked if everyone saw the article in the Journal.

a.      He stated that everything was stated and questions were asked and answered but you cannot compare the two communities so our community is growing fast with several schools and business that just aren’t located in the other district.

b.      Chief Thacker stated that West stood up for us and everyone else formed a “hedge” around him.  Everything passed that night 6-1.

c.      Chief Pell stated that before he will take jabs at everyone else he will explain why White River needs what it needs.

d.      The Journal asked him if WRTFD could cut the budget and still do a good job, to which Chief Pell stated absolutely not and still abide to the national standards that are set to run a fire department safely and efficiently.

e.      The board is looking for cuts to inefficiencies so everyone needs to be prepared for a show of good faith.

                                                                                                                                      i.      The change from three take home Battalions to one was huge with Butch.

3.      The council asked for a plan so Chief Pell will be asking the board to allow him to send them a copy of the Strategic Plan.

                                                           iv.      Fire Prevention Vacancy

1.      The Board gave the department the option to post the position to LTs and give them Capt pay but none replied.  Now the department has to go back to the Board for the next plan.  Chief Brown has been feeling out the department for any takers.

2.      Need to address rank and pay grade, Chief Pell believes Capt pay is appropriate.  The department may need to approach the possibility of going outside.

3.      Chief Pell would like to keep sworn position.

4.      The person filling the position would not get the appointment but would be Deputy Fire Marshal and designee of Chief Brown.

5.      Chief Pell has spoken to Jeff Logsdon and he stated that the department could not do the appointed since it would be a variation of the Battalion chief and that is not what he wants and it would water down the position.

6.      If the department goes outside it would have to be a process looking for an experienced Fire Prevention Officer hired as a rank of permanent firefighter.

7.      Chief Slauter asked if there would be a conflict if there is a process and in three years that the person wants to go to the companies.

a.      The problem would be if there are only 2 or 3 in the process and they work in the position for 2 or 3 years and move over to the company, they would be positioned over several other guys that have been waiting.

b.      Other option would be to hire a civilian and if they didn’t want the job they would have to quit.

c.      Chief Thacker asked why a civilian wouldn’t work, they could give orders.

                                                                                                                                      i.      The problem is if they were needed to respond to the fire ground.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Chief Slauter stated that if they were going to fill in on the fire ground he would like them to go through training.

8.      The benefit of hiring a civilian is if that person were to leave we would not have to worry about placing them into a company and their rank.  It would be ten times easier to sever ties.

9.      Chief Cassin wanted to look at the long term vision of the department is the position for a FT inspector / public educator.

a.      Chief Brown stated that they would be an inspector, investigator and a public educator and to get those with experience they are in PERF and do not want to throw away their retirement if they are too old.  Security would be the issue.

b.      In that case you would get someone who just wanted to work for WRTFD and would leave their position or someone retired with experience.

c.      Chief Thacker asked if it would be a merit FF with given authority.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Chief Pell stated that the lawyers have hung their hat on legal code and decided it is an upper level policy making position – Chief or next level.  This person would hold the title of Deputy Fire Chief.

d.      Chief Brown stated that there are only a couple of guys in house that are interested and the department may have to look outside for more experience.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Chief Thacker asked Chief Brown if he had spoken to Charlie Fraker, Chief Brown has but he is looking at the investigation and code enforcement but not the public education part of it.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Avon hired a teacher to do the public education and it is going well.

                                                                                                                                  iii.      Chief Slauter asked if the three PT guys could do the investigation and have that person do strictly public education and if we narrowed down the job could we find more people interested.

1.      Zollars would be out of PERF for age but would be perfect for the position of public educator.

2.      We would need someone that is excited about the department to do public education and marketing of the department.

3.      Chief Slauter asked if they could actually do CPR and car seat checks.

10. Chief Pell stated that if the department does it right it could be extremely successful.

a.      The position could do bike safety, car seat checks, visit schools once a week and do the speaking tour the department has been talking about for a long time.

b.      Chief Slauter stated that that could be made a full time job.

c.      Chief Pell asked if the job is getting done efficiently with four part time guys.

d.      Chief Pell does not want to give up a career position.

11. Chiefs Pell and Brown will discuss the options and come up with an option to bring to the board.

                                                             v.      Staff Battalion of Operations Position – Chief Pell

1.      Chief Pell would like to have this position in place sooner than later.

a.      Even thought he has started the department is still in a holding pattern since the department decided to change the command structure.

2.      The 2008 budget will be official soon.

a.      Chief Cassin needs to check the Salary Resolution and make sure money is in the budget.

b.      As long as there are not huge cuts the move can be made to work.  Both Steve Dyson and Jeff Logsdon believe the move can be made within the confines of the budget.

3.      Chief Pell believes the sooner we get this process done the sooner things can get back to normal.

    1. New Station 51 – Chief Cassin

                                                              i.      There was a walk through on Friday, two weeks after the initial punch list.  Progression is not enough and they have asked for a one week extension.

                                                            ii.      The plan for the Hood has been released.

                                                          iii.      The secondary walk through will be done by Kramer and Assoc. to check all the systems.  (Electric, plumbing, HVAC, etc.)

                                                           iv.      The primary wires from the outside have been run along with the emergency generator.  If the line burns it could also burn the generator line and it is against code.  They are supposed to be two separate lines.

                                                             v.      Everything else is minor, 75% of the cosmetic work is done.  Kramer is going to start putting the screws to Senefeld for a timeline and reminding them they are responsible for fixing major issues.

                                                           vi.      We are also awaiting the decision following a variance hearing concerning the sign.  It is within 10’ of the right of way so we are seeking a variance, if it is not allowed the sign may have to be placed behind the flag pole.

                                                         vii.      Chief Slauter asked for clarification on a couple of questions that he has been getting.

1.      Is Senefeld still in business – As far as we know they are and they are still working on our project.

2.      The second is that there is an insulation problem and they are ripping walls out - they are not ripping out walls just the insulation around the plenum in the ceiling.

                                                       viii.      Chief Brown wanted to know why we are being so patient with the project.

1.      Chief Cassin stated that we really aren’t but that the attorneys are involved.

2.      Chief Brown questioned why items that were on the list in January are still there today.  He stated that they are code compliant issues and that the workers are bonded for a reason and should have been on those issues long before now.

3.      Chief Pell believes that it is time to let the process play out now.  If bring up some type of lawsuit now they would drop everything and the building would sit longer.  Right now we are waiting for the next board meeting and see what ideas they kick around.

4.      Chief Cassin stated that there has been no general contractor for the project.  In construction there is a lot of gray area and we are currently having problems with JE Mechanical who is threatening to pull out.

a.      Chief Brown stated that we hired them to do a job compliant to code and these issues are against code.  Where has Kramer & Assoc. been, they were supposed to keep and eye on these issues so they would not happen.

                                                           ix.      The problem is that there are a lot of guys and gals working in a place that is falling apart.

1.      Chief Pell stated that we need to keep our cool but understands that there have been several issues over the last couple of weeks.

2.      Chief Brown restated that we are paying someone to do a job and wondered why we aren’t on them.

a.      There has been a three story building done before our fire station.

b.      There should have been someone on our side to tell them to stop when they were doing things against code.  Our watchdog knew it but nothing has been done.

3.      Chief Thacker stated that the public is wondering what is going on; the station looks done.

                                                             x.      Chief Pell stated that a list has been given to Tricia Leminger of things that need to be dealt with.

1.      The next board meeting will have a discussion as to what the game plan will be moving forward.

2.      Butch Sutton is frustrated and he intends on confronting Tricia Leminger as to what can be done.

                                                           xi.      Chief Brown also believes we shouldn’t pay anything for the FDC.  The updated plan is shorter distance than the original on the plan.

                                                         xii.      Also we should pay nothing for the pulled insulation.  It was against code and should not have been done to begin with; it is the contractor’s responsibility.

                                                       xiii.      The department is also starting to receive utility bills for the new station and we shouldn’t be.  That issue will be investigated.

                                                       xiv.      Chief Pell will place an update on the station in is Grapevine.

1.      He will state that the contract allows for a one week extension, the issue will be taken up during the next FPDB meeting and a plan for action will be developed for the completion of the building.

                                                         xv.      The county is going to have Eddie from Franklin do the inspection.

                                                       xvi.      Chief Pell stated that he hears everyone’s frustration but he intends to keep on this and bring it to the board to resolve.

1.      Chief Brown reiterated that we hired someone so we would not get to where we are now.

2.      Butch Sutton intends on questioning Tricia on this since the recommendation for Senefeld and Kramer came from their office.

3.      Senefeld was on top of the world but due to declining health Scott has not been handling it well.

    1. Chief Pell’s upcoming events

                                                              i.      Johnson County Master Development Plan – he will be attending to see what is going on.

1.      CGMSC on the 11th

2.      HS on the 30th

                                                            ii.      The status for the current Station 51 – nothing is going to happen until we have a move in date for the new station.  Once there is a move in date the attorney’s office will put the property up for sale.

1.      There was a recommendation to hand a sign on the station informing the public of the move and where the fire department can be found.

2.      Chief Pell is looking into placing a 911 phone at the stations.

                                                          iii.      Everyone needs a contingency plan to explain to the people in the valley what is going on.  Everyone needs to give the same answer to the question as to why the station is moving.

1.      Station 53 will now cover that area and is only a minute away but the move makes the overall community safer.

2.      Has an estimate been done as to what it does to the insurance rates in the area?  Chief Brown stated that as long as 1000’ of a hydrant and five miles from a station there should be no changes in rates.

    1. Blankets

                                                              i.      Randy Roudebush has brought in a blanket and no one sees a problem with it.  They sell for $31.

                                                            ii.      Randy said he would take care of everything and he needs at least 12 to place an order for one.

    1. Ambulance Service Refocus

                                                              i.      The district board endorses the project but we need to come up with funding for the project.

                                                            ii.      Ford is coming out with an econo-line

                                                          iii.      The funding could come out of the cash reserves.

1.      The department needs to be careful since there are a lot of projects that need to be taken care of.  (Sewer project, etc.)

2.      Revenue for the sale of Station 51 has not been earmarked for anything.

3.      The cash in the department’s account is currently generating interest and will gain at a higher rate with the new bank.

                                                           iv.      Where do we go from here?

1.      Chief Slauter believes we could purchase one new one and a good used one to be used for back-up.

2.      At this time it is hard to justify new engine for $600,000 that does no runs.

a.      For confined spaces / trench / collapse

b.      Take the rescue chassis and reconfigure it for what it is needed for.

c.      When it is time to order a new ladder, order one that has no pump or tank for more storage space.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Put the truly specialized items on one truck.

3.      The truck is in the budget which has been approved due to the rotation but if operationally it does not work the process needs to be updated.

4.      Joe needs to be sat down and made aware of the option before the department makes a move.

5.      Justify to the board

a.      How much it will cost

b.      How often is it on the road

6.      Since Station 51 is going to be the tactical house do we need to change our thinking to put the new Rescue on the road just to justify the purchase.

a.      Chief Pell stated no, the department needs to put on the street what is needed operationally.

b.      The new engine has a tone of room and if the ladder is without the pump and tank it will have a ton of room.

                                                             v.      Heavy Rescue Plan?

1.      Engine – Squad  training  (on station Engine and Rescue)

2.      Engine 51 and Ladder will handle rope, extrication, top water, and trench.

a.      No heavy Rescue – special equipment on the vehicle to re-configure the truck would take care of that.

b.      Engine and Ladder go together, the Rescue only goes if the guys are on station.

                                                           vi.      Chief Pell likes the idea of Ambulances

1.      75% of our runs are EMS, there are only 20 true tactical runs and we throw $1Million at it.

2.      Do you need the $600,000 vehicle to get you there if you have the equipment and the people?

                                                         vii.      No one believes we should dump the program but that the department could do it without the expensive vehicle.

1.      All confined and collapse equipment is paid for by grants.

2.      No one else around here does these things from I-70 to Evansville.

3.      There is a North, Central and South team who is receiving money for training.

4.      Still have hard time justifying expensive truck.  Bring Capt Settles in and explain what everyone is thinking so he knows first.

                                                       viii.      Re-tool chassis would cost at least ½ as much.

1.      It would need air system, generator, and shoring equipment.

2.      Any updating and replacing of equipment would be through grant money.

                                                           ix.      Fishers as well as WR have been identified as groups with training to get the money.

1.      WR has the reputation to do this so we need to do it.

                                                             x.      Show board good faith.

1.      By taking approximately $400,000 out of the budget we have found the $225,000 for the ambulance and enhanced an existing program at the same time.

2.      Could also eliminate a trailer and truck at the same time.

                                                           xi.      Waiting on information from the SAFER Grant.  Money begins being disbursed in the fall.

                                                         xii.      If WR dumps Rural Metro, do not expect any help afterwards.

    1. Full-time Hiring – Chief Thacker

                                                              i.      Chief Thacker has the finalized list.

                                                            ii.      Names should be ready to take to the FPDB in November.

  1. Meeting called at 0948.