Bi-Weekly Strategic Meeting
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Present: |
Chief Cassin |
Chief Brown |
Chief Thacker |
Chief Slauter |
Crystal Young |
Chief Brown
stated that it had been presented to the union.
Capt. Hart asked
for suggestions for support programs from the guys.
Chief Thacker
believes the department should set the date to be tobacco free and help people
to get to that point.
1. He suggested June 2008
2. Chief Cassin believes it should be January 1, 2008
and if they cannot hit that target date they should go to a point man that can
get them the help they need to reach that goal.
Zero Tobacco
needs to be the policy.
1. Including training and department sponsored events.
a. Chief Brown stated that (concerning Strawberry
Festival) the school campus is a tobacco free zone.
2. The department needs to make clear the long term
reason is insurance.
a. Chief Thacker stated that insurance companies may
swab for tobacco.
b. Chief Brown believes that the insurance reason should
be communicated to everyone.
c. Chief Thacker wants to incorporate it into the whole
idea of physical fitness / health program.
d. This policy could reduce line-of-duty deaths due to
stroke or heart attack.
3. Chief Slauter sees no negative reason to go tobacco
4. Chief Cassin agrees with Chief Slauter.
a. At this point Tony has quit along with a couple of
a. Chief Thacker stated that the hardest point for
everyone is the group.
A memo needs to
be posted that the policy is coming.
1. If anyone believes they will have difficulty reaching
this goal point them to Chief Thacker for help.
The list has
been narrowed to five but Chief Cassin asked if the list could go to
three. Three are easier to remember than
After a little
discussion the list was narrowed to four removing sacrifice from the list. Everyone believes that there are too many
meanings and could be taken wrong.
Chief Cassin
would like to get signage or lettering to post the values and new mission
statement in the training room.
Chief Cassin
asked Chief Slauter to put out memo about the idea and the reason for the core
There was an
issue with the chain of command when presented to the board due to the fire
chief vacancy.
Chief Cassin
stated that when Steve Dyson gave him the fiscal plan there was more revenue
than anticipated giving the department more wiggle room when setting up the
chain of command.
1. One problem is that if the department were to go to
the board with too many ideas the department may look disorganized.
2. The chief staff may want to sit down and come up with
a command structure that is the ultimate the department would want, set it up
exactly the way the department would like.
3. The goal would be to budget for the changes and
adjust depending on who gets the fire chief position.
Chief Slauter
made a point to discuss with the board that the command structure was changed
to what the department really wanted due to the information received by Steve
1. Show the board that there are three scenarios:
a. Don’t change the current command structure
b. Show the end all be all (exactly what the department
c. Review the last proposed command structure that was
more conservative, based on the previous revenue figures.
2. He was also concerned that if the command structure
is too broad would that give the board more freedom to go with someone outside
a. Chief Cassin believes that some of the questions
benefit someone inside the department.
Chief Cassin
would like any suggestions. The next board
meeting is June 7th.
The SOG lists
the runs the Battalion needs to respond to.
Chief Thacker
asked if the policy was needed.
1. Chief Slauter stated that it would shore up for
Chief Slauter
also believes that this will help the company officers to become more
responsible and not always wait for the Battalion to show up and take over.
1. He also believes it helps with succession training.
Everyone was
okay with the SOG.
The current SOG
manual is written in html or web format and is difficult to print out or
convert to a document.
Chief Wilson and
Crystal are working on putting it into a manual. Chief Wilson is writing policy that needs to
be written while
Once complete it
will be put into a PDF format and will be available just like the policy manual
is now.
The SOGs will be
categorized instead of numbered. This
will allow new SOGs to be inserted without renumbering and keep similar
subjects together.
The staff needs
to decide what the next step is. The
department has money set aside.
Chief Thacker
will be meeting with Bill Long next week.
1. the property is $22,000 per acre (12 acres for
approximately $300,000)
The plan is to
build a multi-company training facility.
1. Pike has a burn tower, skill training and a station
located on 7 acres.
2. The building would be similar to Pike – brick, 3-4
story structure with extrication pad, driving pad, multi-station training.
a. The building would either be a class A or LP Burn
(both can have smoke scrubbers)
The biggest
concern is the tower.
1. The department would need to show the board pictures
2. The department should have an architect come up with some
Chief Cassin
wanted to know if the property had sewer and water.
1. Chief Thacker believes it has water but not sure
about sewer. The common belief is that
Hunter’s Pointe is on septic.
Chief Brown
stated that the utility would need to be contacted to find out how far from the
lines a building of that size would need to be set back.
Chief Cassin
believes the department would be able to negotiate a little concerning the
length of time the property has been available.
1. He also believes that the
a. The agreement is that the property is too small and
the cost for upkeep makes the property impractical.
Chief Brown
stated that the zoning issue will need to be clarified.
1. The Board of Zoning and Appeals will need to be
contacted to get something in writing.
2. Previously there just needed to be an apparatus
parked on the property to receive fire station status but Chief Brown is
unclear what would need to happen at this location.
Chief Thacker
believes the department should have meetings before hand to let the people know
what the plan is and what the project will look like.
The priority was
to purchase land for a new fire station.
1. There is $300,000 set aside for land acquisition for
new station north of Station 53.
2. Chief Cassin stated that there is money in the
a. The Cum Fund has to have money in it so the
department does not have to get a loan for new apparatus.
b. The General Fund could go to zero. The only problem is when the tax money does
not come on time and the expenses for a couple of months need to be absorbed by
other funds.
c. The loan for the new fire station was not taken out
for the total. There was a balance of
approximately $500,000 the department will pay.
3. Chief Cassin would like to wait until the new station
is done to look at the cash flow.
a. He also pointed out that the department is currently
collecting $13,000 per month just in interest.
At this point
everyone agrees that there is no reason to keep
1. If it is empty it will run down quickly.
2. Will the board want to use the property as
storage? If so:
a. There is a maintenance issue
b. There has been no accommodation for the building once
the department moves out.
Chief Thacker
believes the issue needs to be brought to the board to get the ball rolling.
1. Chief Cassin will preface the issue of a training
center in the Pre-Meeting Report.
2. Also add the possible sale of the
Chief Thacker
has reviewed both lists and 2004 was the last Captains process and 2005 was the
last Lieutenant process. Both are over
two years old.
1. The department is sure that the operations position
will be available.
2. It is time to do a new process.
3. He believes the department should work on a new list
between now and January 1st so it is ready.
Chief Slauter
believes that if we are going to dump a list it needs to be done every two
years consistently.
Chief Brown asked
if there is a stated time limit.
1. Chief Thacker replied no but the normal time limit is
two years.
Chief Cassin
believes the department needs to state a time limit.
1. General knowledge for a list is two years.
2. The problem with the list is that the first person
may be a good candidate but the second may be someone we don’t want.
Chief Slauter
stated that if the list is going to be scrapped after this long and right
before a possible hiring for the positions, someone needs to pull the first
couple of guys that are on the list aside and let them know what is going on,
why the list is being scrapped.
Chief Cassin
stated that the department needs to create a policy:
1. Part-time – one year
2. Firefighter – two years
3. Internal promotions – three years
4. He is in favor of leaving the current list in place
until the first of the year, then scrap the current
list and start a new process.
Chief Slauter
supports scrapping the list after two years but believes the chief should talk
to the first two guys on the list and explain it to them.
1. He asked if the chief has the flexibility to reject
the next person on the list.
2. Chief Thacker stated that with the merit process it
is difficult not to hire the next on the list without a very good reason.
Chief Cassin
will search for a policy that states two years and if there is not one he will
write one up and put it into effect January 1st.
Chief Slauter
asked if there will be a problem with applicants challenging the qualifications
because of the fire chief process.
1. It is possible but everyone needs to make it clear
that the board hires the chief and the department has no control over
that. What the department can control is
the requirements for those positions and they have been stated and are the same.
Capt. Hart has
the list of items that need to be ordered.
If the Battalion wants something specific they need to talk to him.
The biggest item
is the recliners and there is a timeline already established.
Chief Cassin
stated that there was no meeting at the building yesterday because there was
too much going on. He walked around the
building noting:
1. the front apron has been poured
2. the dumpster pad is done
3. the cmu wall is up and a wood gate will be placed on
the front
The bumper will
be replaced with the beefed up one that was originally specked.
E53 will become
the reserve engine. Chief Cassin told
Chief Slauter to go ahead and get the parts ordered to get the engines into
service as soon as possible. E53 will be
a fully functioning reserve. Chief
Cassin stated that he will need to order the laptop mount.
1. Chief Slauter stated that he still needed the locking
mechanism for his laptop mount.