White River Township Fire Department

                                                Bi-Weekly Strategic Meeting


                                                Wednesday, March 14, 2007





Chief Cassin

Chief Brown




Chief Slauter

Chief Thacker

Crystal Young



  1. Meeting called to order at 0800.


  1. Old Business
    1. AFG 2007 Proposal

                                                              i.      The application submission process has been postponed and a deadline date has yet to be announced.  The site states that the allocations are still being discussed.

                                                            ii.      SAFER Grant

1.      Chief Thacker has done some research and stated that the application process is either summer or fall.  Awards were just disbursed for 2006.

2.      This grant is for hiring and retention, combination and volunteer departments.  The department fits all eligibility requirements.

3.      There seems to be no limit on personnel, our need looks to be approximately seven.

4.      Chief Brown asked when the department starts paying for the personnel.  Chief Thacker stated that the second year is when the department would have to start paying but just a percentage.  The first year is paid 100% and over the next four years there is a declining percentage with the department paying 100% the last year.

                                                          iii.      Chief Cassin stated that we need to develop a game plan, get it on paper and get a budget together.  We are now able to get the number of runs for the ambulance with better more detailed information.  There is one month of detailed information to use as a base for the plan.

                                                           iv.      Chief Cassin and Crystal have signed up to get the e-mail newsletter for updates on the AFG.  Once the application process starts there will be an e-mail notification.

                                                             v.      Chief Thacker will contact others who have received the SAFER Grant, research the percentages per year and develop a timeline.

    1. Future funding plan update

                                                              i.      Chief Thacker has not heard from Tom Hanify as of yet and he will be meeting with Brian Bosma soon.  He requested to leave this on the schedule and will hopefully have an update for the next meeting.

    1. EMT and Paramedic student ride-out program

                                                              i.      Chief Thacker has revised the Observers and Students section of the Policy Manual.  The hand out highlighted the proposed changes to the policy.

                                                            ii.      The main changes state that anyone under the age of 18 must have a waver signed by a parent or guardian.  This may not cover liability but will show intent to inform.

                                                          iii.      Anyone under the age of 18 can precept between 0700-2200.  Those over the age of 18 and high school students may precept at any time.

                                                           iv.      Chief Thacker asked if we have had a contract with any institution before.  Chief Cassin does not recall any.

1.      Chief Thacker suggested that an outline be drawn up for students who can precept.

a.      Community has one for medic students that states the particular procedure they are able to perform.

2.      Chief Cassin believes that the word contract may be too harsh for what is planned and maybe just use agreement.

                                                             v.      Everyone is okay with the changes and the changes will be posted soon.

                                                           vi.      Chief Thacker will meet (maybe Chief Slauter also) with Jeff Quinn soon to discuss an agreement (C9).


  1. New Business
    1. Battalion Vehicles

                                                              i.      Chief Cassin believes that we should move the date up for this change.  This change will not “save” a lot of money but will allow the department to have an extra computer and other equipment that could be used elsewhere.

                                                            ii.      Chief Cassin also believes that this decision would send a message to the Board that as a group we are capable of making administrative decisions.

                                                          iii.      Chief Cassin then checked with Chief Slauter one more time if he believes the Battalions could share one vehicle.

1.      Chief Slauter stated that the only concern would be coming up with three additional lockers for their stuff they would usually keep in their vehicle.

2.      He believes that an extended Expedition would be more useful since we are trading in three vehicles for one.  A bigger more accommodating vehicle would be better.

                                                           iv.      There is time to plan this for this year’s replacement.  Someone usually starts shopping in August, or as soon as the ’08 models are available.  Chief Brown will call his contact and find out when that will be.

1.      Chief Brown stated that the dealer may be able to get a demo earlier and then sell it to us.

2.      There will be two vehicles sitting at this time and everyone is okay with this at this time.

3.      Chief Cassin will look at the rotation schedule and see how it will be affected.

a.      There are currently ten staff cars and two are replaced every year except for a couple of years where three are replaced.

b.      The Battalion Vehicles are on schedule to be replaced in 2008.

c.      Chief Brown believes that three vehicles are up for replacement for this year.

4.      Chief Thacker states that we could back up our position with the board by saying that the vehicle could be ALS.  It may not be needed but could be seen as a benefit.

    1. Accreditation

                                                              i.      Chief Saluter would like for everyone to have their section of the accreditation to him by April 15th.

                                                            ii.      All of it may have to be tweaked because we had the 6th edition and we need to be on the 7th edition.

                                                          iii.      The 7th Edition wants there to be a system of reporting near miss.  We need to get a system in place and how it will take place.  All reports can be funneled through one person and they will do the reporting.

1.      Chief Thacker believes a template already exists.

    1. Current Battalion Opening

                                                              i.      Chief Thacker asked if rotating the Captains in this position would be a good idea, using the opportunity as an interviewing process.

                                                            ii.      Chief Slauter did have an issue with this idea.  He believes his shift has been suffering and needs the consistency of having Capt. Arkins there every shift.  He believes they have been cheated since he moved to the office and would like to give them some consistency.

                                                          iii.      The question as to why Capt Arkins is allowed since he does not have a college degree.

1.      He has been doing this job since before the requirement was put into place.

                                                           iv.      Chief Cassin suggested that when Capt. Arkins is off that the position be filled with one of the other Captains.

                                                             v.      Everyone has an idea how Capt Hart and Settles would do but it would be a great opportunity to see how they would do overall.

1.      A battalion chief has to be a positive roll model, whom ever it is will have to project changes with a positive attitude whether they agree with the change or not.

                                                           vi.      Chief Slauter re-iterated his concern for consistency with his shift.  When doing the evaluations the bouncing back and fourth between he and Capt. Arkins was the biggest issue and he would like to make sure there is as much consistency as possible for A-shift.

    1. Miscellaneous Issues

                                                              i.      Chief Cassin has received some e-mails in response to the statement letter to the department from a couple of the part-time guys.  The response has been positive.

                                                            ii.      Charlie Fraker has shown some interest in Eric Wiseman’s spot.  Fraker is currently on the ladder on C-shift. (He took Bryan Arkins spot on the Ladder while he is in Paramedic class)

                                                          iii.      Chief Brown

1.      He is currently busy with several new projects in the district.  He is working on 20-25 now and expects more.  He will talk to Kevin McGinnis soon.

2.      Also he wanted to make it known that Capt. Skipper is looking to go back to one of the companies.  He will be taking a couple of weeks off once he comes back from his Florida trip to work on some home issues and think about what he wants to do.

a.      Capt. Skipper does a good job with the kids but has a harder time when doing the public education with adults.

b.      There may be many different reasons he would like to make a change.

c.      Capt. Skipper is a merit captain and even if he would apply for Wiseman’s position he would be paid at a merit captain pay.

3.      With structural changes coming now is the time to make changes.  If the majority of the staff is in the position they are happy with the better off everyone will be.  Some issues with Capt. Skipper can be directly addressed.

4.      FYI:  The small house next to Home Depot has been poured with a flammable liquid upstairs and down the stairs.

                                                           iv.      Open battalion chief position – assume all four captains are going to apply for the position.

1.      A degree requirement was put in but there is flexibility.  (If the degree is a requirement that will count out Skipper and Arkins.)  Each individual will be looked at on a case by case basis.  (If the candidate will be receiving their degree in Oct. but the position is opening up in Aug. it would need to be looked at differently.)

                                                             v.      Chief Cassin stated that the laptop in his office is now set up to a docking station so it can be plugged in easily and is ready to go for several different tasks.

1.      Combs asked to have a laptop to use to program the radios but that is too large an expense for something that is used so infrequently.  The laptop can be used to program the radios but will also be set up to run the mask testing software and for Lt. Cox to use to test equipment.

                                                           vi.      Chief Slauter will need to ask Chief Brown to make a key for Capt. Arkins.

                                                         vii.      Chief Thacker

1.      He will be attending the Paramedics graduation tonight.

2.      He will attend the chief meeting tomorrow to nominate Chief Cassin to the 911 committee.

                                                       viii.      April Board Meeting

1.      The topic of the Battalion Vehicle may need to be discussed with the FPDB sometime before action is taken.  This will show ability to make administrative decisions.

2.      This may also be a good time to bring up the topic of the Ambulance.

3.      Chief Thacker stated that he would be willing to talk to the board members for Chief Cassin so it would not look as if he is making waves.

4.      Our grass-roots campaign should also be discussed.

5.      Chief Slauter agreed to work on the justifications from an operational aspect for both the ambulance and the larger battalion vehicle.  Chief Thacker will work on the grass-roots presentation.

6.      Combine all three topics in a PowerPoint presentation for the board for the April meeting.

a.      This should show that as a group we are capable of administrative issues.

b.      Shows the board that there are projects in the works for current and future growth.

c.      By doing the PowerPoint the message is delivered to everyone at the same time.  Everyone will then be able to sit down with any member to answer any questions they may have.

d.      2004 was the last growth for the department but the community is rapidly growing around us.  (20-25 current projects for Chief Brown.)  It is time for the department to keep up with the growth.

7.      The hope is that when the board reads the Journal article listing the fire department budgets they understand why White River’s budget is higher.

8.      Staffing goal for SAFER grant:  Chief Thacker believes the Rescue should be staffed while Chief Slauter does not.  When counting a fourth station staffing level should be at 31, without the fourth station it would be 27, and currently it is 20.

                                                           ix.      Opening on E52

1.      Does the position need to be ALS or could it be BLS.  That would leave the busiest Engine without a medic for 24h.  The Medic will be there most of the time.

2.      Everyone has until Tuesday to submit.

3.      Mike Combs is the only non-officer Medic.

4.      Consider options between today and Tuesday.  Chief Wilson will be available to respond if needed.


  1. Meeting called at 0917.