White River Township Fire Department

                                                Senior Staff Meeting


                                                Thursday, September 14, 2006





Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Wilson

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Engmark

Capt. Hart

Capt. Arkins
Capt. Settles




  1. Meeting called to order at 0805.


  1. Trailer Issues – Lt. Hurrle



GVWR (lb)

Tongue Weight (lb)

Trench Trailer



HazMat Trailer



F350 Currently



F350 Upgrade









    1. No hitch exists that could be placed on the F350 to haul the trailers legally.  Upgrading to a larger vehicle may be the only option.
    2. A new F450 would cost approximately $45,000; a Freightliner cost would be approximately $50,000 to $60,000.  The department could look for a vehicle that is slightly used.
    3. Chief Cassin would need to bring the topic to the board if more money would need to be allocated for a new vehicle.
    4. Chief Slauter wanted to know if the $50,000 for the old Engine was already earmarked and Chief Cassin said that it goes toward the cost of the new engine.

                                                              i.      Chief Slauter spoke to Mark Bowles; he pulls the trailers with an F350 that was fitted with an air shock system instead of springs.  Lt. Hurrle replied that Warner Spring would add another spring but would not be practical if the weight is too much.

    1. Chief Thacker asked if the tongue weight is correct for the HazMat Trailer.  Capt. Arkins replied by stating that the trailer was weighed when the spring on the truck popped and is the most accurate measurement we have at this current time.
    2. The upgraded hitch would support the Trench Trailer but no more weight could be added.
    3. The department could trade in the F350 along with the flatbed to purchase a F450.  The F450 could then be fitted with the snow plow and salt spreader.
    4. Lt. Hurrle will contact either Brent Aunspaugh or Chris Bar to enquire on the method the department should follow to ensure legality.  Capt. Arkins will also contact other departments who received HazMat trailers to find out how and with what they are towing the trailers.
    5. Chief Cassin wants to have options and/or a solution by the next senior staff meeting (September 28) to prepare to approach the board if need be.
    6. Lt. Hurrle has information on used chassis and will gather that information and present it to Chief Cassin as soon as possible.


  1. Old Business
    1. Annual Recognition Dinner - Chief Thacker

                                                              i.      Hickory Stick has sent information about banquet rooms fitted to hold 200 people.  He has not had the opportunity to review the costs at this time.

                                                            ii.      Chief Slauter inquired about the catering.  Chief Thacker said that the banquet has a caterer but you can also supply your own with a cost of $3 extra per person.

                                                          iii.      The Dinner will be held on January 27th which is a C-Shift day.

                                                           iv.      Some ideas on take home items are needed.

    1. Hiring Update – Chief Thacker

                                                              i.      Charlie Fraker has been approved and will be going to C-Shift.  His full-time start date will be October 2nd.

                                                            ii.      The part-time written tests will he held on September 15 & 16.  Eleven will be taking the test on the 15th while twelve will be taking it on the 16th.  The course will need to be ready by 9:00 am.

                                                          iii.      There is currently no update on the full-time hiring process.

    1. Leadership Class Update – Chief Thacker

                                                              i.      The class will be held one week after fire prevention week at the Government Center.  The dates are 16, 17, 18, and 20.


  1. New Business
    1. Employee Emergency Contact Information Packet – Chief Thacker

                                                              i.      The form was brought to Chief Thacker by Capt. Skipper from the Fire Chaplin’s Manual concerning firefighter line of duty deaths.

                                                            ii.      The form gives specific information of what to do in case of serious injury or death.

                                                          iii.      Information on life insurance and wills can be listed so the department could assist the family better in case of emergency.


  1. Chief Tibbetts updates
    1. E-911

                                                              i.      Chief Tibbetts was grilled by the commission about paying for the program.  They want the department to pay for it without any funding from anyone else.  The department believes that any department interested in using the program should pay a percentage while the commission does not.

    1. Dispatch – The department is still in contact with Greenwood.  Chief Dhondt wants to wait until Station 94 is open before advancing any further.
    2. Task Force One Personnel

                                                              i.      Capt. Hart and Settles are going to attend a seminar on the 27th pertaining to reimbursements.

                                                            ii.      Battalion Chiefs need to keep track of any back fill for reimbursements.  Call outs will be the only personnel reimbursed.  Two weeks is the maximum time the Task Force participants will be called out.

    1. Chief Tibbetts sent an e-mail to all Battalion Chiefs concerning the unnecessary driving of the apparatus.  This practice has gotten out of hand and should be monitored.


  1. Inspector Applications – Chief Brown
    1. Only two applications were received for the position.


  1. Satisfaction Survey – Chief Slauter
    1. Chief Slauter received a final copy from Scott Tichenor. 
    2. There are some minor formatting issues to be corrected.  Such as (a) low and high changing to satisfactory and unsatisfactory, comments to remain confidential, and listing a name if they wish to be contacted added to the survey.
    3. All decided that each run should be mailed a survey.  The Battalion Chiefs do have the ability to stop a survey from being mailed.  If there is an inappropriate situation or fatality no survey will be mailed.
    4. The run numbers will be placed on the survey to keep someone from filling out several.  This will also allow the department to review the circumstances to which the survey is based.
    5. Surveys will be mailed with an emphasis on replying via the internet.  If only a small percentage of requests are receiving a response changes to this procedure may occur.
    6. There is no set target date for the implementation of the survey.  Once the formatting is corrected it will be put into use.


  1. Aircraft Emergencies – Chief Slauter
    1. Scott Tichenor drafted an aircraft emergency SOG.  The department is located under flight paths therefore it is required.
    2. Review the SOG and bring any changes or suggestions to the next meeting.


  1. Honor Guard SOG – Chief Engmark
    1. Chief Thacker was the only one who responded, all others approved the changes.
    2. Everyone should be notified of the changes.


  1. Evaluations – Chief Thacker
    1. Evaluations should be conducted during the month officially hired.
    2. The evaluation forms will be available in October.  Many evaluations will need to be conducted; several of the full-time firefighters were hired in October.  Make sure they are critical.


  1. Meeting called at 0928.