White River Township Fire Department

                                                Senior Staff Meeting


                                                Thursday, August 3, 2006





Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Wilson

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Engmark

Capt. Hart

Capt. Arkins
Capt. Settles



  1. Meeting called to order at 0805.


  1. Honor Guard SOG
    1. Chief Engmark submitted the SOG; Chief Cassin has made some corrections and returned it to Chief Engmark.


  1. Construction on Smith Valley Road – Chief Slauter
    1. Chief Slauter met with the chief project engineer of the project.  They will be working on the bridge and road at the same time.  The project is to be complete by December 1st.
    2. Chief Slauter has handed out a proposal for augmented response.  Chief Tibbetts did not want Station 53 responding to any alarm so plans have been put into place.
    3. Chief Wilson asked if there will be access to the houses on Smith Valley Road.  Chief Slauter said yes, to the bridge, Station 53 West of the bridge and Station 51 East of the bridge.
    4. Chief Thacker inquired as to when the closure would be put into place.  Chief Slauter said August 10th.  Chief Thacker has secured a classroom in the Government center for training during the road closure.
    5. Chief Slauter will start informing the shifts of the augmented responses.


  1. Hiring Process – Chief Thacker
    1. Charlie Fraker is currently going through the hiring process and is expected to fill Jared Clark’s position by September 1st.
    2. Eric Wiseman may be the next to leave and only one name, Woehlecke, on the current list.
    3. Chief Slauter questioned, if we start another list and no one is pulled off can it be extended past the two years.  Chief Cassin believes the board would extend the two year limit.  Chief Cassin would rather start the process now and have it done correctly to get the best candidates than wait until another position opens up and no list is available to draw from.
    4. Chief Thacker would like to drop the driver/operator stipulation from the next batch of candidates.  He believes a larger group including better candidates may become available.  This way the department could train candidates to drive the way the department believes is most compatible with department standards.
    5. Chief Slauter would like to place the stipulation on the candidates that they have their driver/operator within one year, which should be simple since the department is willing to do the training.
    6. Chief Thacker will bring requirements to the next meeting so it could be adjusted to what the department is looking for.
    7. Part-time positions are also available.  Three positions open and only two on list, one does not want a shift.  Letters have been sent to Tharpe, Hendershot, Schilling, and Deford.  Tharpe, Schilling, and Hendershot are no longer with the department.  Deford will most likely be gone also.
    8. The positions need to be posted.
    9. Chief Slauter anticipates shuffling around Clark’s position.
    10. Chief Thacker will bring in a time line on hiring for Part-time positions for the next meeting.


  1. Johnson County Incident Command Vehicle – Chief Thacker
    1. The Incident Command Vehicle will be at Station 53 today around 1:00.  The department will be able to work with it and test out some of its capabilities.


  1. Physicals – Chief Thacker
    1. Two spots are still available in August.
    2. The calendar is open for September.  If it is necessary, firefighters can be sent during their shift if it is covered.


  1. NIMS – Chief Thacker
    1. Lisa White is the only one he has not heard from.  Anyone else that has not completed the training has left.


  1. Captain Hart
    1. There is money in the budget to purchase three more AD-Pros.  They will be placed with the Battalion.  The old ones only retrieve $200 for trade.  These are appropriate for sale to civilians, many churches, etc., would purchase them at approx. $1000.  Saving them money and allowing the department to gain funds for more equipment.  Civilian pads will be sent with the new ones the replace with the pads on the old ones.
    2. The Ambulance topic is currently on hold.  An additional $500,000 in funds would be needed to start the project.  We know the numbers and the cost so when a method for funding the project becomes available it is something that is already in process.
    3. There have been several complaints about Rural Metro.  If anything comes up contact Captain Hart and let him know because he will contact Stacy Mavery directly.
    4. Captain Hart has also asked about Rural Metro hiring White River EMS to staff the Ambulance.  This could provide Medic 52 with approx. 90% coverage by the department.
    5. EMA – Mutual Aid with Morgan County.  There is not a problem with them using the department but they are using White River as their primary ALS while passing hospitals and medics along the way.  Captain Hart will contact EMA to discuss what their true plan for our mutual aid is.


  1. Captain Settles is requesting a way of blocking all the junk e-mail.  Chief Cassin is looking into some software that may work.  Also if there is a site that is blocked e-mail Chief Cassin or Rob and they will release it for access.  If anyone is having problems with their computer hardware, contact Rob in writing and he will get to it as soon as he can.


  1. Meeting called at 0908.