White River Township Fire Department

                                                Senior Staff Meeting


                                                Thursday, May 25, 2006





Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Wilson

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Engmark

Capt. Hart

Capt. Arkins
Capt. Settles



  1. Meeting called to order at 0800.


  1. Personnel issues: 
    1. Andrew Roy – unsure about his return.
    2. Nick Smith – resigning to take a position in Nashville, TN.


  1. Strawberry Festival is rapidly approaching, there will be one more committee meeting before the event.


  1. Ron Rose will be conducting a free evaluation of the septic system at Station 53 and advising on the options.


  1. Tug Sutton has called Chief Tibbetts looking for volunteers for the management team for the command bus.  If anyone is interested get with Chief Tibbetts.


  1. The eco trailer has been ordered and should be delivered by the end of the year if not sooner.


  1. Station 52 is under roof.


  1. Station 51’s ground breaking is 34 days behind.  Chief Brown suggested that a phone call be made to get the process moving forward.  A penalty clause does exist and will be looked into.


  1. The pool car was used and returned dirty.  Fast food wrappers were left, among other items, in the car.  Please make sure the car is returned to station clean.


  1. Some break downs have occurred in the apparatus as of late but everything should be repaired and the apparatus should be put back into service soon.


  1. Chief Cassin will return from vacation on Tuesday May 30th.


  1. Monday the 29th is a holiday and Chief Tibbetts birthday.


  1. Chief Brown is asking that we cooperate with the Bargersville Fire Department on any administrative problems they may have.  Remember that they are in an early stage of development and just starting to deal with issues we came across about five or six years ago.  Our relationship with BFD is important.  Chief Tibbetts did state that he will attend the next big fire that they have in which we aid.  Chief Wilson commented on how unorganized the fire ground was and that if you respond expect to be command and keep track of your own guys.


  1. Chief Wilson and Chief Engmark have stated that they are already building a good relationship with their respective battalion chiefs from BFD.


  1. Chief Engmark:
    1. Leaving on Monday and will be returning on Wednesday.  Captain Hart will be filling in and will have his buggy for responses.
    2. Thanked everyone for their help with Nick.  He appreciated everyone for the help and assistance given to him especially from Chief Tibbetts and Chief Brown.


  1. Chief Wilson:
    1. Mike Arany is improving from his copperhead snake bite.  He ran a mile back to his vehicle after being bitten then had a reaction to a medication that was given to him for pain and ended up being worse than originally expected.  He is now out of the hospital but still in bad shape.  He is expected to return near the end of June.
    2. He will also be gone starting this weekend until June 5th.


  1. Signs are going to be posted on the “new” old fire truck to not touch or start the vehicle.


  1. Meeting ended at 0834.