White River Township Fire Department

                                                Senior Staff Meeting


                                                Thursday, May 11, 2006





Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Wilson

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Engmark

Capt. Hart

Capt. Arkins
Capt. Settles



  1. Meeting called to order at 0806.


  1. Personnel issues:  Dale Saucier is now on duty.


  1. Chief Brown discussed the new ordinance that was put into place on May 1st.  He explained issuance of warnings for illegal burns and citations to be issued for repeat offenders.  Also discussed was the section on smoke detectors in a private residence.  If someone notices a malfunctioning or non-existent smoke detector during a run they need to issue a warning for the homeowner.  Mostly for cases involving a rental in which the owner has not supplied the resident with a functioning smoke detector.  In some circumstances the resident can be supplied a smoke detector stored on the apparatus involved in the run.  Residential addresses also need to be cited if they are hard to find or not located in the correct position and size on the outside of the residence.  Chief Tibbetts warned not to be too aggressive in issuing either warnings or citations.  Chief Tibbetts also congratulated Chief Brown on the job he did in developing and installing the ordinance and will be nominating him for Fire Marshall of the year for his efforts.


  1. Chief Thacker discussed trench training to be conducted May 16th, 17th, and 18th.  The weather is an issue; rain is expected for at least another week.


  1. Captain Hart discussed the new protocol manuals that have been assembled and distributed.  The protocol will go into affect on June 1st.  Captain Hart also discussed the possible future of Rural Metro in the surrounding areas.  He believes Perry Township and Greenwood will no longer be using their services.  The concern this brings up is that there may be no ambulance service in the county.  Several ideas were discussed such as: EMS tax – County or Trustee level, billing for ambulance service, would the department be able to support 2 ambulances – one staffed while the other is a float.  A study on the amount of runs 52 makes along with the amount of mutual aid runs will need to be conducted. Captain Hart said IAFF will do a study on amount of runs to population for the district.  He believes they will do the study for free and will check on having one done.


  1. Chief Cassin began a budget discussion for 2007.  He handed out reference material for review.  Discussion will begin again in two weeks.


  1. The meeting concluded at 09:45.