Chief Tibbetts that Justin Walls encountered a
medical issue and was not able to be enrolled in the military as originally
thought.He has asked that he be
reinstated, as if he had taken a leave of absence.All in favor.
Chief Tibbetts gave an update on some of the
house bills he is watching.
Incident management SOG
is being re-aligned to be NIMS compliant.Chiefs Wilson and Engmark are working on
this.They should have this ready
for approval by June.
Chief Cassin stated that we are on budget for the
personnel expenses for January and February.
Chief Cassin announced that there has been
another delay in the laptop project and he will keep everyone posted.
Reminder of the Strawberry Festival meeting
tonight at 4pm.
Chief Cassin discussed the recent bid opening for
station 51.
Thacker is trying to get WRTFD into CampAtterbury’s training site.
Brown reminded everyone that when we respond to a restaurant, the Board of
Health must be called any time there is smoke in the kitchen or the food
is contaminated.Also, he and
Captain Skipper must be notified.
Chief Cassin reminded everyone to update your
contacts list and email lists (especially groups) in Outlook.