White River Township
Fire Department
Senior Staff Meeting
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Chief Tibbetts
Chief Cassin
Chief Slauter
Chief Wilson
Chief Brown
Chief Thacker
Chief Engmark
Lt. Hart
Kim Clawson
- William
Stout has finally returned his equipment.
- Chief
Tibbetts asked that everyone be friendly and welcome the nine part-time
new hires.
- Chief
Tibbetts stated that November 22-29 he will be out of town on vacation.
- Chief
Tibbetts stated that he will be posting a memo stating that there is to be
no smoking in the bays.
- Lieutenants promotional list discussed and the
Battalion Chiefs gave their input to the Chief Tibbetts and Chief Cassin,
who will make the final decision.
- Chief
Engmark asked if a specific type of sweatshirt could be worn on duty. Chief Cassin asked that he bring one to
the next senior staff meeting and also get Lt. Cox’s input on it.
- Chief
Brown let everyone know about a handicapped student at Center Grove Middle
School North. She has classes on
the 2nd floor, towards the back, every day between 11am and 2pm. She has participated in a practice fire
drill and had no problems accessing the elevator to get to the first floor
and then outside. However, if she
does encounter a problem, she will instead go to the balcony on the back
of the school and be waiting there.
Please make sure your personnel are aware of this situation.
- Chief
Brown stated that our personnel will be distributing smoke detectors to
mobile home communities this Saturday.
- Chief
Cassin has submitted the last invitation to quote for the laptops. The quotes are due in seven days. The manufacture time is approximately 45
days. Six will be purchased this
year and six next year.
- No
further new business and meeting adjourned at 0925 hours.