White River Township Fire Department

                                                Senior Staff Meeting


                                                Thursday, November 3, 2005





Chief Tibbetts (late)

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Wilson

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Engmark

Lt. Hart

Kim Clawson





  1. Chief Cassin stated that the hiring process for the part time firefighters has been completed and they should be starting next week.  Interviews for the Lieutenants process will be held next week.


  1. Chief Tibbetts spoke with William Stout,  who will be returning his gear in the next couple of days.


  1. Chief Slauter gave an update on the accreditation process, which will begin in January.


  1. Kim asked everyone to have patience while she archives and moves the files to prepare for the 2006 calendar year.  This will happen Thanksgiving week.


  1. Kim showed everyone the spreadsheet for the vehicle personal usage reporting that will take place over the next few weeks.  Remember, this is placed on your W2.


  1. The Battalion Chiefs stated that they have been having problems with the overtime list.  The union members have complained about how overtime is awarded and were asked to form a two man committee to investigate other ways to do this.  However, their committee has not acted on this project.  Chief Cassin will work on developing some type of automatic overtime list.


  1. Many people are having problems with their Outlook email not being current.  Chief Cassin stated that this is primarily the responsibility of each person.  Kim will try to update a department wide email list and walk everyone through how to work it at the next senior staff meeting.


  1. The Battalion Chiefs stated that they are having runs left on the battalion line voice mail which is on the phone in the battalion bunk room.  Chief Cassin will work on this and remove the option to leave a message at that extension.  Kim requested that if that frees up a voice mailbox, to add that to the Chief’s phone.


  1. Policy discussions.


  1. Chief Tibbetts gave an update on the Johnson County E911 Committee.


  1. No further new business.