White River Township Fire Department

                                                Senior Staff Meeting


                                                Thursday, September 8, 2005





Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Wilson

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Engmark

Lt. Hart

Kim Clawson




  1. Johnson County officials have asked area police and fire departments to collect money by this weekend for supplies to be purchased and shipped to a county in Alabama for the hurricane relief efforts.  After discussion, it was decided that our firefighters would set up a donation table at this weekend’s Inclusion Fest.  Chief Slauter will contact Andrea Cox regarding the donation drive the Auxiliary is currently organizing to see if that money can be put towards the overall drive.  Chief Tibbetts will be sending an email to all employees asking for a $10 donation from each person.


  1. Steve Coover, Jory Cox and Tony Slusher have been deployed to the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.


  1. Chief Thacker reminded everyone of the mandatory officer development class tomorrow, 0830-1230, here at Headquarters.


  1. Lt. Hart discussed the Zoll E Series monitor that will be rotating all three stations over the next several days.


  1. Lt. Hart discussed problems he has been having with personnel from Rural Metro ambulance.  He will continue working on this issue.


  1. Lt. Hart stated that he has been working on the WRTFD transporting ambulance project.  The personnel budget is almost done and then he will begin work on the expense budget.  He is hoping to be able to get the EMS Chief to start in January 2007 with the program starting in possibly July 2007.


  1. Chief Slauter stated that he has been working on new policies and will present them at the next senior staff meeting.


  1. Chief Thacker stated that evaluations are beginning to be completed and turned in.


  1. Chief Cassin is working on several policies that have not yet been developed.  He hopes to be able to have the senior staff begin again on updating the policy manual at the next senior staff meeting.


  1. Kyle Brooks submitted a proposal to Chief Thacker to organize an honor guard.  Chief Tibbetts stated that this would be a strictly volunteer situation.  Chief Engmark will work with Kyle on this and serve as the liaison to the Chiefs group.  The next step is to develop a list of personnel who are seriously interested in pursuing this.


  1. Chief Thacker will work with Kim on the Awards Banquet.  We may try to change the location to Pauly’s Restaurant.


  1. Strategic plan was discussed at the last FPDB meeting.  They will begin discussing this document over the next few district meetings.


  1. Chief Cassin stated that the new computer technician has started.


  1. Chief Brown stated that an environmental survey has been performed and we are still waiting on the final results.  They have found mold and dryer dust throughout the station.  The company stated that they would have a preliminary report within three days to know if there are any toxins.  So far we have not heard from them.


  1. Chief Brown stated that our fire ordinance has been read and approved at the county level and now goes onto the state.  They have removed the portion concerning zero lot lines in order to make that part of a county wide ordinance.  Preliminary discussions with the county planner indicate the possibility of requiring sprinklers in structures that are less than 16’ apart.


  1. Chief Brown cautioned of recent severe vandalism occurring at the Pinebrook Apartments.  It is escalating so be prepared for worst case scenarios in the event of a run there.  Remember the structural hazards of the buildings not sitting square on the foundation.


  1. Chief Brown inquired on the possibility of starting  Lieutenant process and create a list.  Chief Thacker stated that the promotion process needs to be performed in conjunction with the Safety Board document.  A part time process will also start soon.  Chief Cassin urged the development of a timeline for the part time process.


  1. No further new business and meeting adjourned at 0945.