White River Township
Fire Department
Senior Staff Meeting
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Chief Tibbetts
Chief Cassin
Chief Slauter
Chief Wilson
Chief Brown
Chief Thacker
Chief Engmark
Kim Clawson
Lt. Hart
- Some
of the crews are being exceptionally lazy on EMS
runs. Chief Cassin and Lt. Hart
have been monitoring this for two months. One crew waits for medic 52 to mark en
route first. Another crew waits for
medic 52 to establish patient care first.
Mark needs B & C shift Battalion Chiefs to keep an eye on
station 52. Chief Tibbetts reminded
them that it is their responsibility to maintain professionalism on
shifts. Chief Cassin reminded
everyone that we are the responding agency…not rural metro. Also, if our paramedics don’t agree with
what how rural metro paramedic treats the patient, then
we don’t turn care over to them. Chief
Slauter suggested a paramedic meeting week after next and include rural metro medics and supervisors.
- Lt.
Hart has studied the feasibility of relocating medic 52 to another station. The majority of runs are in 52’s
district so it would not be a good idea.
- Chief
Slauter would like to send Engine 53 to assist Morgan County
on “paramedic assists” instead of Medic 52. Everyone agreed. Chief Tibbetts will contact the Chiefs
that this change affects. Chief
Brown suggested contacting their dispatch centers as well.
- Lt.
Hart discussed purchasing extra AEDs for when the medic rides in or when a
monitor fails. Everyone felt this
was a good idea and he will put together a proposal.
- Discussed
Brad Jewell’s shift change request.
- Discussed
changes affecting the following policies:
a) Ancillary
b) Appearance
and Grooming
- Chief
Cassin would like to see an amenments section in each policy.
- Chief
Thacker and Chief Cassin are still compiling a list or policy regarding
classes that the department will send someone to as opposed to personnel
taking their own education time to attend a class.
- Policies
for everyone to review over the next two weeks are: Attendance, bulletin boards and CISD. These will be amended/updated at the May
5 senior staff.
- Job
qualifications document distributed by Lt. Hart. No copy available for minutes. Please review this and let him know your
- Kim
informed everyone of the recent changes/updates
made to personnel records in FireHouse Software (ie: Training Certificates). Please notify your personnel.
- Chief
Tibbetts announced that he is on the 911 committee and that Mike Combs is
on the GIS committee.
- Chief
Tibbetts thanked everyone for their support during his mom’s passing.