White River Township
Fire Department
Staff Meeting
November 18, 2004
Present: .
Chief Tibbetts
Chief Cassin
Chief Slauter
Chief Brown
Chief Thacker
Chief Wilson
Chief Engmark
Kim Clawson
- Per Chief
Tibbetts, vacations that have already been requested and approved for December, will remain in effect, even if that person
has switched shifts.
- Chief
Tibbetts requested vacation requests to be turned in by December 17th. Otherwise, all vacations will be given
on a first come first served basis.
Only 2 career shift personnel will be allowed off per day.
- Per
Chief Tibbetts, it is okay for full time personnel to work extra hours to
earn comp time in order to get a day off.
- Chief
Thacker distributed a tentative program for the graduation ceremony for
the recruits.
- Kim
asked everyone to begin thinking of the awards banquet: invitees, speakers, awards etc. This will be addressed at all future
senior staff meetings until the banquet is over. (Reminder: the banquet is January 15, 2005). Chief Wilson stated that since it is his
shift, he will take care of getting mutual aid fill in companies.
- Kim
explained the status of the DHS grant (video conferencing system). Hopefully they will review the budget
that we resubmit and will approve it.
- Kim
gave everyone an update on the grant seminar that she recently attending
in Atlanta. She asked everyone to begin thinking of
projects that we need and potential funding sources. This will be re-addressed after the
Awards Banquet.
- Discussion
on the poor condition of our radio batteries. Chief Brown will check into ordering new
ones. The station captains will be
made responsible for making sure these are maintained and charged only as
- Discussion
on providing lock out services to the community. While this is obviously a good service
to provide to the community, it could be a liability for us. Obviously if it is an emergency
situation (child locked in a hot car) do whatever is needed. Chief Cassin stated that he was not
entirely comfortable in providing this service but would listen to further
information regarding what other agencies around us are doing. Chief Wilson will research this for the
next senior staff meeting.
- Chief Engmark will have Lt. Smith follow up on installing a
door bell at station 52.
- Chief
Brown gave information on the toy drive:
- December
4th – 12th
- Weekends
0900-1200 and 1400-1700
- Weeknights
- Flyers
and memos have been distributed.
- Sign
up sheet is in the prevention hallway on the bulletin board.
- Wrapping
party will be December 16th.
- Crews
to deliver presents December 18th.
- If
you have any questions, see Lt. Young as he is heading it up this year.
- No further
business and meeting adjourned at 0920hrs.
Minutes submitted by Kim Clawson.