White River Township Fire Department

            Senior Staff Meeting


            Thursday, July 22, 2004




Present:       .

Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker


Kim Clawson
Lt. Settles




  1. Meeting called to order at 8:10 a.m.


  1. Building projects update given by Chief Cassin:
    1. 51 - Nothing new to report on station 51.
    2. 52 – Plan has been revised to match the budget and we are waiting on the plans to be returned.
    3. 53 – Stair treads and cove molding is in and will be installed soon; work will begin soon on rear deck.


  1. Chief Cassin discussed the badge numbering policy (draft) that he recently emailed everyone.  No problems discussed and he will have Kim confirm a few items on the list then will finalize it.


  1. Personnel updates.
    1. Chad Witham presented a request to Chief Tibbetts yesterday to be rehired immediately.  Everyone agreed that based on the circumstances of his leaving, he will not be rehired immediately and will be asked to apply with the next part time hiring process.
    2. Discussion on performance of probationary part-time firefighter Erin Hensley.  Based on tardiness issues, unprofessionalism and general conduct unbecoming, everyone agreed that he will be released immediately.  Kim will draft a letter and Chief Tibbetts will handle this with the corporation board.


  1. Kim reminded everyone that if they need victims assistance, even if the auxiliary hasn’t been called, that she, Marian & Andrea have been cleared by the Red Cross to write the appropriate disbursing orders to provide food, clothing and shelter.  Kim stated that she & Marian have done this before but Andrea has not.  If a call comes in for this service, we will try to get Andrea to respond with one of us so she can learn what to do.


  1. Leadership training that was discussed last month has been scheduled for November 4 & 5 at the Community Church of Greenwood.  This is a mandatory requirement for all current officers, as well as the new recruit officers.  Chief Tibbetts will take care of the appropriate notifications of current officers.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that Tony Slusher has approached him again about reinstating the SWAT medic team.  Chief Tibbetts stated that he absolutely refused.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that he wants to fill the current Battalion Chief vacancy ASAP.  He will be posting this job opening today, by both memo and email.  Letters of intent, along with a resume, are to be returned to him by 8/2.  He, Chief Cassin and Chief Slauter will review those items, as well as an applicants personnel file, and will conduct an interview.  There will be no scenarios and no written test.  This will be a merit Lieutenant position with an appointment to Battalion Chief.


  1. Chief Thacker stated that he is not interested in pursuing the M-F training position that will be created next year.  Chief Tibbetts stated that he would like make the position a combination of EMS and Training.  No one had any problems with this.  Chief Slauter stated that Lt. Hart has stated that he doesn’t want to pursue a M-F position due to pending adoption.


  1. Chief Slauter requested that we revise the policy concerning off duty response of battalion chiefs.  He stated that if it is a serious incident we need as much of our command staff there as possible.  If it turns out not to be as serious as originally thought, the IC can disregard any incoming Chiefs.  After further discussion, Chief Tibbetts gave his permission for this change.


  1. Chief Thacker suggested posting the M-F position internally.  If we have little or no interest, then he suggested we hire from outside.


  1. Chief Cassin stated everyone that we need to begin development on a policy that discusses which officers get take home vehicles.  He reminded everyone that the FPDB hinted at this at the last meeting.  Chief Slauter strongly urged that we review the installation of safety cages to house the equipment in the back.


  1. Chief Cassin stated that the Strategic Plan will be done in early August, although not in time for the FPDB meeting.  He will send it to senior staff for review/discussion then make any needed changes or corrections and present to the FPDB.


  1. Chief Thacker asked that we begin thinking about the Captain’s process and urge the FPDB to make a decision regarding their merit ranks.


  1. Chief Thacker gave an update on the hiring process. 

-         All background checks are complete.

-         There were a couple of issues with two of the candidates.

-         Some agencies refused to respond.

-         He will prepare a list to be presented to the FPDB at the August meeting.


  1. Chief Slauter stated that a recent media report showed Smith Valley Road opening on Friday.  He says this is inaccurate and will continue to remain closed for several months.


  1. Chief Slauter addressed the fact that station 51 chauffeurs are changing shifts at 0700.  This is okay with everyone.  Chief Slauter will make the appropriate adjustments in the schedule.


  1. No further new business.  Meeting adjourned at 10:15 hrs.






Submitted by K.Clawson