White River Township Fire Department

            Senior Staff Meeting


            Thursday, July 8, 2004




Present:       .

Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Young

Kim Clawson




  1. Meeting called to order at 8:08 a.m.


  1. Building construction updates given by Chief Cassin.
    1. Station 52 – we are still awaiting blue prints.  Chief Cassin stated that we needed to call Dudley Senefeld and find out where those are.
    2. Station 51 – the committee is moving steadily forward and has a rough floor plan.  Construction year is still slated for 2005.


  1. Turnout gear project was approved at the FPDB meeting last Tuesday night.  Discussion held on unit numbers/car numbers.  Chief Cassin agreed that the new hires (chauffeurs) need “car numbers”.    Create and use badge numbers instead.  This goes for part time employees as well.  Chief Tibbetts suggested they be in the order of their seniority.  Chief Slauter stated that the gear people needed a decision by 7/21.


  1. Basketball goals have been purchased and are awaiting installation.  Goals will be padlocked at regulation height.  The goals have a lifetime warranty.  Stripes will be added to the parking lots after they are seal coated.


  1. Career hiring process update given by Chief Thacker. 


  1. Kim excused for remainder of meeting while the Chiefs discussed personnel issues.