White River Township Fire Department

            Senior Staff Meeting


            Thursday, June 24, 2004




Present:       .

Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Young

Kim Clawson




  1. Meeting called to order at 8:08 a.m.


  1. Nothing new to report on the building construction projects, both of which are currently awaiting plans from the architect.


  1. Chief Cassin requested permission from Chief Tibbetts for Lt. Arkins to begin projects at station 53 including the plymovent and the gear lockers.  Chief Tibbetts stated that he had given Lt. Arkins approval for these projects some time ago.  Chief Cassin will follow up on this.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that he spoke with our insurance company regarding installation of basketball goals.  Jeff Stainfield said that we would be covered.  Chief Tibbetts wants the following:
    1. Signs on post stating “Not responsible for injuries.” and “For fire department personnel only.”
    2. Up to all Battalion Chiefs to enforce rules.
    3. Absolutely no civilians are to use goals.
    4. Policy to be drafted covering these issues.
    5. Mount goals away from heavy traffic areas (special considerations at st52 for addition).  Wants positions for placement cleared with us first.


Chief Cassin will have Tony Slusher head this project and get a list of prices and goal types for us.


  1. Career hiring process is still on schedule.


  1. Ken Grady has resigned.  Chiefs Slauter and Cassin met recently to discuss the Board’s assignment to shifts/stations and feels comfortable with the results.


  1. Chief Cassin thanked everyone for their patience during the computer system repairs from the lightning strike on 6/10.  All computers are fully functional and data has been salvaged back to 6/10.  The next several days will be getting “caught up” on data entry since then.  Battalions:  please make sure to update your bat logs.


  1. Chief Cassin stated that we are considering paying for the lightning strike damages ourselves, at a cost of approximately $30,000.  Chief Tibbetts has been told by our insurance company that if we have no more major claims this year our premiums will decrease by $25,000 next year.  The final decision will rest with the District Board.


  1. Auth Chief Tibbetts, Lt. Wilson is being permanently assigned to the EMS Training division.  This had originally been a temporary division move when Lt. Alexander resigned from the department.  Also auth Chief Tibbetts, this will not change his car radio number.


  1. Chief Tibbetts recently had a discussion with Chief Dhondt regarding leadership classes for both departments.  The total cost would be $3,000 + instructor expenses.  Chief Cassin confirmed that we had enough money in the budget to split the cost with Greenwood.  Topics for the class include personal leadership, setting priorities, ethics, vision, etc.  The instructor is a retired detective from the Odessa PD.  Chief Tibbetts stated that it would be late September or early October and that attendance for all career personnel would be MANDATORY.  Chief Slauter requested plenty of notice be given.  The class will be open to the first 50 people.  Chief Tibbetts stated that the class would also be opened up to non-Greenwood and non-White River personnel for $100 each.  The class is anticipated to last two days.


  1. Chief Tibbetts is trying to contact INDOT reference the I-69 expansion and how that will affect us.


  1. Chief Brown reminded everyone to be on the lookout for the semi trailers and box trucks that are often located near the fireworks stores.  These are obviously extremely hazardous and everyone should be aware of these.


  1. No further business and meeting adjourned.