White River Township Fire
Staff Meeting
March 18, 2004
Present: .
Chief Tibbetts
Chief Cassin
Chief Slauter
Chief Brown
Chief Thacker
Chief Young
Kim Clawson
update on policy for their mutual aid responses to our area. They will not respond on lifting
assistance runs, alarms, etc. with lights and sirens. Chief Tibbetts tried to get this
changed for responses to our area.
We must request that they respond emergent to our runs. Our Battalions should use their best
- If we
have an incident where two or more trucks are responding, you either need
them or you don’t. If you do, they
are to respond emergent. If you
don’t, disregard them.
- Medic
52 will remain running between GFD and WRTFD. They will not dedicate an ambulance strictly to our FD for
daily operations but will do so on a working incident. They must have 3 transports a day in
order to dedicate an ambulance to the fire department. Chief Tibbetts told Jim White that we
were planning on our staffing our own ambulance but it would not be for a
few years.
- No
new news on the corporation restructuring. Attorneys have not provided us with an update. Supposedly the attorneys from both
sides are having problems getting their schedules worked out. Chief Tibbetts will try to get a lunch
meeting set up.
- Quartermaster
restructuring is still waiting with Tricia.
- Career
hiring process update.
- Applications
are still coming in. Eleven are
in so far.
- Candidates
are having problems getting their full criminal history.
April 5,6,7,8 of April at Pike.
- Three
candidates are out of the process…2 due to age and 1 because he didn’t
want to go through recruit class.
- May
8 is written exam(s).
- Everything
is staying on schedule.
- Recruit
class schedule should be done in the next few weeks.
- Station
53 re-keying will occur tomorrow.
Please return all old keys to Chief Brown tomorrow – no new keys
will be issued until ALL old keys are returned.
- Random
drug and alcohol testing update.
Chief Young met with Public Safety Medical and asked them to look
into this for us, as well as look into the EAP. They will respond back to Chief Young.
- Kim
made the proposal for the strawberry festival shirts. Everyone agreed on the design and Chief
Young will be calling the company to get prices. Both shirts will have the helmet logo on the front. One style shirt will have the union
saying on the back, one style shirt will not.
- Kim
is developing a proposal for an exit evaluation. She will finalize this and bring it to the next senior staff
Grant update given.
- Computer
class. July 22 at 1800. Kim will be sending out questionnaires
to the officers to see what their knowledge base already is and what they
would like to be taught. Class
will center on basics of Microsoft Office as a whole, Excel, and Word.
- Computer
system update:
- Order
coming between 11 and 3. 63 boxes
- Tomorrow
computers will begin being connected.
- Network
switchover tentative date is March 31.
- Firehouse
is coming in on March 31 to set up our new software.
- Will
be rerouting antenna signals to improve speed of network.
- New
paging program is in.
- Chris
Kindred is back and wants to be rehired.
Tony Slusher has already given him his test and he passed. Chief Cassin is not necessarily concerned
with rehiring Chris, but with the procedure in which the corporation
brought him in. Chief Cassin
states that this is THEIR issue and has nothing to do with the Fire
District. Chief Tibbetts feels
that, in talking with him, he seems to have matured significantly. Chief Thacker disagrees with rehiring
him. When Chris was terminated, he
threatened legal action against the department. When we cleaned out his locker we found alcohol. Chief Thacker states that this goes
against the integrity of the department.
Chief Thacker urged that Chris go through a part time hiring
process, just like everyone else is required to. Everyone agrees that he should be given a second chance, but
in the proper way.
- No
letters have been received yet for the open b-shift position. Mike Shoemaker may have shown some
interest in this to Chief Slauter, who is currently at the National Fire
Academy. Chief Cassin will follow
up on this. We may need to move
the part time process forward by a few weeks to accommodate our growing
need for part time firefighters.
- Chief
Tibbetts reminded everyone that he does not micro manage people. He stated that lately there have been
some things going on that he felt should have been notified of. Please keep him notified of significant
occurrences in the future.
training at Community Church.
Charging $15 per person for first group of 16. The next group is being charged only
for cards as they are keeping their books. Thom Hord would like to offer the Gathering Place for all of
our employees for free, in turn we provide CPR classes for free for
them. No religious material will
be “pushed” onto anyone. However
there will be church staff on hand to answer any religious questions
anyone should have. Chief Thacker
will speak to Chief Slauter about this.
- Training
library has been cleaned up. Old
meds and needles have been removed.
There is still one small bag of medical items in there for
training. He is currently marking
all items. Sign out sheet for
borrowed materials requires an officer’s signature.
- Expired
drugs should be placed in the biohazard trash since we are not using them
as training aids. Chief Thacker
will work with Lieutenant Hart on developing a procedure for the
destruction of these items.
– Robin Nicoson contacted Chief Young about being a co-safety person for
the HOT training at the Bluff Road house.
- Marion
County safety chiefs meeting.
- A
company made a presentation for fire gear cleaning. IFD has been talking with this
company. They are charging $30 for
a full set of gear (liners and shells).
IFD will not be contracting with this company due to the cost.
- Don,
Jeff Quinn and Paul Spurlin were delegated to a subcommittee looking into
getting firefighters into hospital in a timely manner in the event of an
exposure. They are meeting with
the State Board of Health soon.
They are hoping to minimize the paperwork involved.
- Traffic
safety vests have been ordered.
SOG will be drafted by Chief Young and presented to Senior Staff.
- Meeting
adjourned to strategic planning session.
Chief Cassin distributed copies of the drafted financial projection
through 2016. It was generally
agreed that as staffing increases, office responsibilities are going to
increase as well. Full time
training officer would be the first priority as finances become available. Chief Tibbetts felt strongly that this
should not be a Chief position.
Others present disagreed but stated that this could be later on,
when the reality of adding a training position comes closer.