White River Township Fire Department

            Senior Staff Meeting


            Thursday, March 4, 2004




Present:       .

Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Young

Kim Clawson



  1. Clarification made to off duty chief response guideline.  If on duty Battalion Chief goes out of district or is on working incident, the next day Chief goes to headquarters unless otherwise notified by IC.  Other Chiefs mark up and respond to the scene.  If they are not needed, the IC will disregard them.  ALL Chiefs need to mark on the radio as responding, regardless.


Chief Tibbetts will respond on any run that he wants to.  He is upset that a Lieutenant has made a remark that he shouldn’t have gone on a specific run.


  1. Vacation policy revision refers to FT office staff only.


  1. Greenwood Fire Department responses.  Chief Tibbetts met with Chief Dhondt.  GFD has policy that if they have an alarm, only an Engine, Aerial, and BC respond, and the Aerial respond non-emergent.  They are using this same policy when responding on our mutual aid alarms.  Also, their lifting assistance runs, including mutual aid, are non-emergent.  Chief Cassin suggested we ask Chief Dhondt if the will modify their responses for our mutual aid runs, for any reason, they will respond emergent.  Chief Tibbetts will contact him.  If he refuses, we will need to think of another response plan.


  1. Chief Slauter stated that Engine 51 looked good and should be available for us to take delivery in about a month.


  1. Chief Young stated that he has ordered a case of the new DOT Emergency Response Guides.


  1. Chief Young stated that he has consulted with Chief Cassin and Tricia Leminger.  In order to have Jason Bailey make our shirts, he has several steps that he must go through in order to prove “no conflict of interest”.  He will be talking to Jason about this tomorrow.  In the mean time, all orders will remain with Embroidery Plus.


  1. On duty uniforms.  Nothing new has been approved lately although new windshirts have been worn on duty.  Chief Young disagrees with wearing windshirts on duty, as they are 100% polyester and against NFPA.  Chief Slauter asked that if we are going to follow the policy, everyone follow the policy, especially Chief officers.  Re-post/email approved apparel policy.  If anyone wants to wear something different, they need to submit a written request to Chief Tibbetts who has the final authority.


  1. Gear inspections are almost done.


  1. Mask fit testing supplies have been ordered and will begin soon.


  1. FEMA Grant.  Stay with training equipment.


  1. Personnel changes.
    1. Mike Vanderploeg has been terminated and his equipment returned.
    2. Mike Phillips resigned and returned his equipment.
    3. Ron Reinhold is on leave until 3/31/04.
    4. Joe Green’s leave expired 2/11/04.
    5. Mike Boone has been moved to compensated, effective 3/1/04.
    6. Jason Smith has been moved to compensated, effective 3/1/04.


  1. Chief Tibbetts has a meeting with Jim White today regarding ambulance contracts.  Medic 52 needs to not go out of district unless they are covering for Greenwood.  Chief Tibbetts will ask that they are committed to us on any working incident.


  1. Per Chief Cassin, when you make a purchase on the credit card please put something in the file saying what it is and who purchased it.


  1. Today’s 1300 strategic planning meeting cancelled.  Please be thinking of the following items for our meeting next Thursday:
    1. Problems with station 51 timeline.
    2. Getting ready to start long-term plan.
    3. Goal of district is to eliminate fire loans.  That eliminates CAGIT, which is our operating budget.

                                                               i.      Scott is going to project long term financials to assure that we can still operate when last fire loan drops off.

                                                             ii.      Scott needs replacement schedule for capital outlays for next five years.


  1. Joel re-doing training library and has ordered several new books/videos.  Room absolutely must remain locked!  Be aware of what items go in and out.


  1. Joel would like to see headsets in the battalion vehicles.  Chief Slauter will have Joe Marsh investigate this.


  1. CPAT practice this Friday & Saturday.


  1. Career process is still on schedule.


  1. Re-keying station 53.  New cores in 10 days and everyone’s keys will be exchanged then. 


  1. Remind station 53 crews that vehicles need to be washed outside on warm days.


  1. Eric suggested purchasing a commercial water heater for station 53.


  1. Lt. Smith is getting a list together for extra equipment to be placed on the tanker and will be submitting it to Chief Slauter.