White River Township Fire
Staff Meeting
December 18, 2003
Present: .
Chief Tibbetts
Chief Cassin
Chief Slauter
Chief Brown
Chief Thacker
Chief Young
Kim Clawson
- Meeting
called to order at 0810 hours.
- Chief
Cassin will be issuing a memo stating that bay heaters are to left at a
specific temperature and that smokers need to be completely outside, with
doors SHUT, when they are smoking.
- Chief
Cassin gave an update on the vanity plates that he is proposing.
- Chief
Cassin distributed a capital projects list.
- Discussion
on how to better organize weekday events (training, schools, preplans,
etc.) to allow for as much personal time for the crews, as well as getting
Lieutenants more time during the day to perform their duties. Final recommendations should be
presented at the January 8 senior staff meeting.
- Chief
Tibbetts suggested combining staff and senior staff meetings. General consensus was that the meetings
needed to stay separate.
- Chief
Cassin will be issuing a memo stating that no personal vehicles or
apparatus are to be washed in the bays.
Vehicles may be washed on the aprons if it above 32 degrees and are
to be limited to once per day.
Please monitor your own shift.