White River Township Fire Department

            Senior Staff Meeting


            Thursday, December 11, 2003




Present:       .

Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Young

Kim Clawson




  1. Meeting called to order at 0815 hours.


  1. Chief Tibbetts must be notified before any apparatus goes out of district.  Also, there will be minimal extrication trainings until the new tool comes in.


  1. Approval was given to radio repair contract for $4212 per year.  This will cover normal wear & tear.


  1. Preliminary discussion on awards banquet.  Kim will be getting information to everyone soon.


  1. Personnel updates:

-         Will Smiley Brown has returned his gear. 

-         Messages have been left on Mike Vanderploeg’s phone with no luck.


  1. Chief Cassin discussed the time table for the Fire Loan.


  1. Kim gave an update for the 2nd round of the evaluations. 


  1. Discussion on station staffing.  Chief Slauter will be scheduling the same number of personnel for January that he did for February, until we find out the status of our tax levy appeal request.  Chief Young stated that we may need to have a contingency plan for February and would like to see the Battalion Chiefs develop this, with Chief Cassin’s help.


  1. Discussion on the dissolution of the corporation tabled until after the first of the year.