White River Township Fire Department

Senior Staff Meeting

Thursday, October 30, 2003

May 15, 2003



[P]  Chief Tibbetts

[P ] Chief  Cassin

[P ]  Chief Brown


[P]  Chief Slauter

[P ]  Chief Thacker

[P ]  Chief Young


[P]  Kim Clawson

[ ]  Others:




  1. Meeting called to order at 0815 hrs.


  1. Staffing issues discussed:
    1. Effective immediately, all shift exchanges and leave requests will be approved/denied by the Battalion Chief, who will put a note in the Battalion Log on the day of the exchange or leave. 
    2. Chief Tibbetts requested that vacation requests be submitted at the beginning of the year, and he stated that they would be awarded based on seniority. 
    3. Any shift changes need to have accompanying paperwork. 
    4. Also effective immediately, only one career person is allowed off per day, although some special exceptions may apply such as educational leaves, etc.
    5. Begin reviewing potential back up officers.


  1. Chief Cassin requested input on what the reserve staffing level should be.  Reserve corp should be maintained at ten with a hiring process occurring when the ranks drop to 5.  Chief Slauter suggested that any further hiring process be held until the tax appeal is over in November.  Everyone agreed.


  1. Please schedule riders at station 52 and non-student observers on the battalion.


  1. Personnel update:
    1. Jason Coffey moved to compensated.
    2. Justin Walls moved to compensated.
    3. Brett Ramer moved to compensated.
    4. Bryan Arkins moved to compensated.
    5. Chris Polanco moved to reserves, pending completion of paperwork.
    6. Mike Phillips on leave through December 31, 2003.
    7. Dave Kelley has resigned.


  1. Chief Cassin suggested rewriting the policy concerning leaves.  This will be tabled for a later meeting.


  1. Chief Tibbetts requested that if someone on duty is capable of teaching a class that day, please do not pull someone in off duty.


  1. Chief Tibbetts thanked everyone for their work during Fire Prevention Week.  Good job!  Chief Brown also thanked everyone for their hard work, especially those who signed up on the FPW schedule and went out to the schools.  Please remind those under you that Fire Prevention is as much a part of their job as making runs is.


  1. Chief Thacker is working on obtaining more training houses.


  1. Fire Officer I is finished and Fire Officer II is starting this week (Fridays and Saturdays).


  1. Please place all maintenance issues in FireHouse immediately. 


  1. Chief Slauter reminded everyone that he still needs written documentation on dispatch problems.  Even a quick email would be acceptable.


  1. There has been some recent chaos with the school lunch program.  The children have been unruly and unable to be controlled by the lunchroom staff.  Please remind your people to behave and try not to agitate or encourage rowdy behavior from the kids.


  1. Chief Tibbetts has ordered hangers for the gear drying bars that Lt. Smith has installed at station 53.  Good job Lt. Smith!


  1. Please be aware of the new construction sites in our district and become familiar with them.


  1. Detailed information is needed in the daily FireHouse logs…not just who worked that day.


  1. Anyone caught “holding off” on responding on a run so that the ambulance will “beat” them in will be dealt with severely.  EVERY run is treated as a priority and will now be given a narrative, in both the EMS report and the NFIRS.  Any questions, contact Chief Cassin.