White River Township Fire Department
Senior Staff Meeting
October 16, 2003
[] Chief Tibbetts
Chief Cassin
[P] Chief Brown
[P] Chief Slauter
[P] Chief Thacker
[P] Chief Young
[P] Kim Clawson
[ ] Others:
- Meeting
called to order at 0805.
- Scott
discussed the proposed purchasing policy.
Everyone agreed on the proposal and Scott will take care of
implementation. Scott & Kim
will work on revising the form draft.
- Scott
discussed the proposed property policy.
Everyone agreed on the proposal and Scott will take care of
- Scott
discussed the proposed scheduling policy.
After discussion, everyone agreed that 12 days off per year was a
fair amount. Scott will talk to
the Chief after he returns from vacation.
Everyone agreed on the proposal and Scott will take care of
- Kim
reminded everyone to please turn in any evaluations they still have
- Kim
will be out of the office November 4th – 7th for
- Discussion
on shift trades. Battalions have
been receiving trade paperwork late, if at all. Everyone agreed that the current policy is enough but should
be enforced more. On duty
Battalion Chiefs will handle all trade/shift issues so that they can
ensure all shift needs are met (ie:
not all chauffeurs or paramedics off at once).
- Curry
Road will be closed October 20, from State Road 135 approximately ¼ mile
east. Emergency traffic can still
get through but the road will be pulverized. This closure should last approximately 7-10 days. Kim will put a note in the Battalion
- Joel thanked
everyone with their assistance on the training burns at the Curry Road
house. All went well.
- Joel
attended the District 3 caucus for the IAFF and will address this further
in tonight’s union meeting. We
will be hosting the spring caucus.
- Joel
and Carey will be attending a lunch meeting with Greenwood Fire Department
personnel on Monday to discuss the upcoming disaster training scenario and
their haz mat boxes.
- Joel
will be out of town October 23 & 26.
- Eric
thanked everyone for their help with fire prevention week. All went well.
- Don
stated that the school lunch program has been reimplemented and he will be
posting the schedule. See him with
- Don
will be receiving demo air monitoring equipment. Joel and Don have been working on a proposal for the
purchase of new monitors.
- Don
stated that the new clothing order should be in soon. A note pad has been placed in the
quartermaster room. Please write
down any time you take an item.
- Joe
Settles has placed strobes on the water rescue life jackets. Don stated that we need to consider
purchasing helmets and vests for the Battalions to keep in their vehicles.
- Don
will be instructing CERT classes beginning tonight.
Meeting closed at:
Notes by: Kim
Clawson, October 2, 2003