White River Township Fire Department

Senior Staff Meeting

August 7, 2003



[P]  Chief Tibbetts

[P] Chief  Cassin

[P]  Chief Brown


[P]  Chief Slauter

[P]  Chief Thacker

[P]  Chief Young


[P]  Kim Clawson

[ ]  Others:



  1. The insurance proposal was tabled at lastnight’s FPDB meeting until later this year or early next year as our policy runs from May to May.


  1. Chief Tibbetts still has no turnout gear or certificate of insurance from Ed Carlson.


  1. Personnel updates:

-         Have not received turnout gear from Rick Taylor or Scott McCaughna.

-         No termination letters received for files for Taylor or McCaughna from corporation board.

-         Mark Hart is now EMS Lieut. for department.

-         Jim Engmark is station 52’s house officer.


  1. Paramedic course participants will be Joe Green, Lori White and Jason Bailey.  Joe and Lori have both agreed to the three year work requirement after course completion.  Joe will be using his military benefits to pay for the class so the 2nd “free” spot will be offered to Jason Bailey.  All participants will be required to sign an agreement for the 3 year post-course completion work requirement, and agree to pay back any costs incurred by the department should that person fail to successfully complete the course.


  1. Chief Tibbetts was informed by the corporation board yesterday that they did not feel that Greg Maxwell’s suspension was justified and that they would be notifying the Chief this in writing.  Chief Tibbetts stated that he would support Chief Young’s write up of Greg.  This could possibly be heard before the FPDB as they are the final grieving board, per their master agreement.  Chief Young will send a letter to Greg stating that he has failed to follow the grievance policy and notifying him of when the suspension is to take effect.  Chief Tibbetts agreed.


  1. Chief Cassin recently emailed everyone a copy of the proposed grievance policy revision.  No comments or changes.  Everyone in favor of this revised policy and will be effective immediately.


  1. Chief Cassin requested everyone research available options for dissolving the volunteer corporation.


  1. Chief Cassin discussed proposed expenses for the cumulative fund and the ’03 fire loan.


  1. We will be contacting a realtor, then holding a Chief officer meeting for the purpose of determining placement options for future stations.  This will occur as soon as possible.


  1. Action plan discussed for appeal in maximum levy increase.


  1. Chief Slauter presented the command packet.  He and Chief Young will finalize this.


  1. Chief Slauter is meeting with dispatch.  Please be patient with the recent problems.  He is working on them.  Please be professional at all times on the radio.  Forward issues to him IN WRITING.


  1. Greenwood FD has revised their automatic aid agreement with us.   A map has been placed at station 52 showing the mutual areas.  Please become familiar with this.


  1. Chief Thacker recently attended an informational meeting regarding I-69.  It should be starting in Evansville in January ’04 and take 8 – 14 years to complete.


  1. Chief Young requested permission to re-implement the Thursday school lunch program.  Permission granted, providing he contacts principals to find out if we are causing too many disruptions.  It was also agreed that the middle schools would not be included in this.  Chief Young will contact the principals, create a lunch schedule, and forward to all personnel.


  1. Chief Brown stated that an outline for the PR tours/talks has been created and is on the server.  Chief Slauter requested earlier notification (1wk) for PR details.  Notification will be made via email to that day’s BC and LT.


  1. Chief Young will send an email reminding everyone of the policy requiring everyone on duty to have their Class B shirt with them.  Anyone needing a shirt or badge will need to contact him asap.


  1. Kim announced that a tentative date for the awards banquet has been set for January 17, 2004.


  1. With the termination of the cleaning contract, everyone should try to pitch in and help keep common areas, such as the reception area and training rooms, clean.


  1. Chief Young stated that he is still working on the reflective safety vests and he should know more soon.