White River Township Fire Department
Senior Staff Meeting
July 24, 2003
[P] Chief Tibbetts
] Chief Cassin
] Chief Brown
[] Chief Slauter
] Chief Thacker
] Chief Young
[P] Kim Clawson
[ ] Others:
- Chief
Tibbetts stated that no decision has been made regarding the insurance
proposals. He asked that Kim place
this on the next District Board’s agenda.
- Chief
Tibbetts still has no certificate of insurance from Ed Carlson.
- Personnel
- Mike Phillips did have his 72 hours and was not terminated.
Tony Slusher has sent letters of termination to Rick Taylor
and Scott McCaughna.
Ed Carlson is on a 6 month leave. Any Battalion who sees him while he is mowing needs to get his
gear back. This leave expires January 22, 2004. Chief Thacker will enter Ed’s training hours for the Driver
Operator class he took at C-9.
- Chief
Tibbetts received letters of intent for the next Paramedic course from
Lori White, Joe Green, Bill MacGregor and Jason Bailey. Chief Tibbetts stated that he will have
the two candidates sign a contract agreeing to work here for 3 years after
completion of the Paramedic course.
He will obtain this contract from Brian or Tricia. After discussion, it was agreed that
Lori White and Joe Green should be offered the course positions. Chief Tibbetts will contact them next
week. Should either of them not
pass the tests to gain entry to the course, it will then be offered to
Jason Bailey, then Bill MacGregor.
- No
further action has been taken by Greg Maxwell regarding his
grievance. August 5th
is the next corporation Board meeting.
Chief Tibbetts will follow the state statute regarding grievances
and will address this at the corporation Board meeting. Because Greg has not followed through,
it was agreed that this is a ‘dead’ issue.
- Chief
Cassin stated that training sessions cannot be coded separately (on duty
vs. off duty) in Firehouse. It was
agreed that people should not be close enough for this to effect their
minimum hours.
- Station
53 storage room was approved.
Chief Cassin will notify Lt. Smith to start the work.
- Ryan
Cox has offered to mark all FD tools with a color code. They should also be marked with
WRTFD. This was approved and Chief
Cassin will notify Ryan.
- Discussion
on command packet tabled until next Senior Staff meeting, when Chief
Slauter can be present.
- Discussion on dispatch issues tabled
until next Senior Staff meeting, when Chief Slauter can be present.
- The special events radio has been
located. Chief Young will notify
Mike Combs to pull the theft report.
- Chief Cassin will be developing a
specific policy, effective August 1, regarding use of the pool car. The priority of that vehicle is that it
is a backup for the Chiefs, it is used by Prevention Division, then any other
department issues, as approved.
- Chief Thacker will be attending a
meeting tonight regarding the State Road 37 to I-69 project.
- Chief
Brown stated that the Center Grove School Corporation has sent a letter
releasing the WRTFD for any liability resulting from injuries sustained
regarding gymnasium issues at the new middle school.
- Discussion
ensued regarding EMS program issues.
Because of the confidential nature of the discussion, minutes were
not recorded.