White River Township Fire Department
Senior Staff Meeting
July 10, 2003
[P] Chief Tibbetts
] Chief Cassin
] Chief Brown
[P] Chief Slauter
] Chief Thacker
] Chief Young
[P] Kim Clawson
[ ] Others:
- Chief
Tibbetts stated that it will be the District Board’s decision as to who we
sign as our insurance provider for the department.
- Chief
Tibbetts still has no certificate of insurance from Ed Carlson.
- Discussion
on changing the minimum requirements to NOT include on duty training
hours. Everyone in favor of
this. Scott will re-code FireHouse
software and send a memo to everyone via email.
- Battalion
Chiefs need to better enter staff activities (hours) in FireHouse. A couple of recent PR details have been
- Personnel
- Rick
Cooley & Kevan Crawley:
resigned and gear has been returned.
- Scott
McCaugna, Mike Phillips, and Rick Taylor: released for inactivity.
No gear received yet.
- Joe
Marsh and Mike Schilling: on
leaves of absence. See FireHouse
for exact dates.
- Pager
- After
January 1, the District will pay for officers to have EITHER a pager or a
phone…not both. If you still want
both, you’ll need to have it payroll deducted.
- After
January 1, the District will no longer pay for outside people to have a
- If
pager problems persist, even after we change to the new model, everyone
will be forced to go to their own account.
- Lt.
Smith is working on storage options utilizing the empty space in the
station 53 break room.
- Chief
Cassin announced that the State just passed a bill, HB1808, which allows volunteer
firefighters to earn up to $20,000 per year, instead of the previous
- Discussion
on moving the fire department to all shift positions. This would decrease costs for work
comp, tuition, uniforms, etc.
However, you may get an untrained person to fill that shift, you
will be eliminating a significant amount of the roster, and only two
people applied for the last open shift position. It was decided that open hours pages would be monitored.
- Discussion
on 2004 budget.
- Command
staff SOG discussed.
- Chief
Young would like to revise the command worksheet. Chief Slauter stated that this has
already been updated but can still be updated more.
- Chief
Cassin suggested a command “packet” with each chief officer contributing.
Chief Young will complete the safety packet.
Chief Thacker will help Chief Slauter with operations.
Chief Brown will complete the logistics.
- Chief
Thacker checked on the upcoming Paramedic course through Community
Hospital. We do have two positions
available to us. It was agreed
that interested parties should submit a letter to Chief Tibbetts by July
21st. Positions will be
awarded based on seniority, activity, dedication to department, etc. Chief Thacker will post a memo on this.
- A
recent incident occurred where personnel are ordering PPV movies over the
cable system. Unfortunately it was
unable to be proven who ordered these movies. The pass codes on all cable boxes have been changed.
- Greg
Maxwell has changed his mind and opted to grieve his suspension.
- Engine
officers need to begin enforcing the following items:
- Close
cab doors and compartment doors.
This should prevent injuries and missing equipment.
- Chauffeurs
should not be talking on cell phones when driving apparatus, especially
when responding on emergency runs.
- Backers
must be utilized!
- Chief
Young is still working on the safety vest issue.
- A
stolen property report has been taken by the JCSD regarding the missing
special events radio.
- Chief
Slauter has been in discussion with dispatch regarding the VHF system, as
well as other problems we are having.
- Discussion
on boundaries for automatic mutual aid with Greenwood Fire. Chief Slauter will contact Chief Dhondt
to get this cleared up.
- Discussion
ensued regarding the working environment at all stations, but primarily
station 53. Due to the sensitive
nature of the topics discussed, this will not be included in the minutes.