White River Township Fire Department

Senior Staff Meeting

June 25, 2003



[P]  Chief Tibbetts

[P] Chief  Cassin

[P]  Chief Brown


[P]  Chief Slauter

[P]  Chief Thacker

[P]  Chief Young


[P]  Kim Clawson

[ ]  Others:



  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that he feels that we are being given an extremely low insurance quote from Gregory & Appel.  He isn’t convinced at this time that we need to change carriers.


  1. Chief Tibbetts still has not received a certificate of insurance from Ed Carlson.  He stated that he would include this request when Mr. Carlson is sent his termination notice.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that any time a person is scheduled to work calls off, whether they get it covered or not, it needs to be placed in the shift log.  Chief young suggested to address this at the next regular staff meeting.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that some of the Battalion Log entries are not very thorough.  Anything that we may need a record of later should be recorded.  This includes, trainings, incidents, etc.  Chief Young suggested to address this at the next regular staff meeting as well, especially for the backup BCs.


  1. Chief Tibbetts announced that leave requests will no longer be approved if they are given with fewer than 2 weeks notice.  We have been having problems getting career officers to work.  If this continues to be a problem, Chief Tibbetts stated that he will be revising his policy on the number of people he has off at one time.


  1. Chief Cassin distributed the draft of the house fund policy.  No comments or suggestions were heard and he will post this to the website.


  1. No update on the pagers is available at this time.  Our Monday meeting was moved to today at 3pm so we should know something later today.


  1. Discussion on various storage options at station 53.  Lt. Smith forwarded his ideas to Chief Cassin.  If you have any other ideas, please let him know asap.


  1. Chief Brown reminded the Battalion Chiefs to make sure their Lieutenants get their reports in.


  1. Chief Tibbetts commended Lt. Alexander and his crew on the recent work done at station 52.  It looks much better.


  1. Crews would like to have “novelty” t-shirts made and sold.  Chief Cassin suggested a committee be formed to oversee this project and that the shirts look NOTHING like our current on duty t-shirts.  Chief Young will oversee this and will issue a policy.


  1. Command staff SOG tabled until next senior staff meeting.


  1. Chief Thacker will have Lt. Alexander contact John Zartman to see if we have two available “free” spots in the upcoming Paramedic class.  Chief Thacker suggested that a set of guidelines be developed for these “free” spots.


  1. Chief Thacker announced that Community Church of Greenwood is hosting a Freedom Concert on July 13 at 6pm.  They are honoring military, police, and fire agencies.  Chief Thacker urged everyone to attend, especially the on duty crews.  He will be posting information on this on the bulletin boards.


  1. Chief Cassin stated that we are facing severe budget cuts for 2004.  Some discussion was held, with more to follow at the next senior staff meeting (after the next FPDB meeting).


  1. Chief Young stated that he is still working on getting information regarding the safety vests.