White River Township Fire Department

Senior Staff Meeting

June 12, 2003



[P]  Chief Tibbetts

[P] Chief  Cassin

[P]  Chief Brown


[P]  Chief Slauter

[P]  Chief Thacker

[P]  Chief Young


[P]  Kim Clawson

[ ]  Others:



1.      Chief Tibbetts followed up w/Jeff Campbell’s disciplinary action regarding breach of protocol.  He is not filing a grievance because Lt. Alexander dropped the penalty from a written to a verbal.  Chief Tibbetts agrees and issue stands as a verbal warning.


2.      It was agreed at the last union meeting that career firefighters would have $5 deducted from each paycheck for house dues.  It was also agreed in that meeting that it would be in the best interest of the department if the District would manage the house fund system and allow for proper voting.  Chief Tibbetts agrees and Chief Cassin will develop the policy.


3.      Chief Tibbetts discussed station 53 yard maintenance issues with Ed Carlson.  He stated that he has been behind due to the rainy weather.  Chief Tibbetts stated that Ed was directed to mow the yard once per week and to get a copy of his certificate of insurance to us.  Weed control program has been implemented by Greenwood’s Finest Landscaping.


4.      Chief Cassin stated that the salary survey has been completed and presented to the District Board.  It will be posted to the website soon for everyone to see.


5.      The water softener at station 53 seems to be working now.


6.      Chief Cassin distributed a new photo i.d. ‘prototype’.  This particular version costs $6 but can be ordered directly off of the internet with only a 2-3 day waiting period.  Greenwood can do the same card for approximately $1-$2 per card, but we may get into a ‘waiting’ situation.  Everyone agreed that we should try to go with Greenwood, but if there is going to be a delay to go with the company from the internet just for Senior Staff .  Greenwood can do everyone else’s.


7.      Chief Cassin and Kim stated recent problems with pagers were becoming overwhelming and that they would be talking to the Arch rep soon to see what our options are.  At this time, we may need to force everyone who wants to keep a pager to go onto their own account and we would keep an account strictly for the district.


8.      Chief Cassin stated that no updates are available at this time from the Strategic Planning session.


9.      Chief Slauter stated that the SOG for Battalion response on mutual aid has been completed and is posted to the web.


10.  Chief Slauter requested input for the SOG regarding the logistics officer and off-duty responding chief assignments.  He will implement and have available for the next senior staff.


11.  Chief Young announced that the physicals for 2003 have been started and all seems to be going well.


12.  Chief Young is still waiting on a copy of the SOG from IFD regarding their mayday box alarms.


13.  Chief Young has been in contact with Wayne Township to obtain a template for a t-bar to be placed under a raised cab.


14.  Chief Young has contacted IOSHA for their standard regarding reflective PPE material on a scene.  He is also working on pricing information.


15.  Carefree Court fire was critiqued last night.  The main concern addressed during the critique was the lack of full PPE on personnel on the hot zone.  Chief Tibbetts advised that it should be the IC to call for the auxiliary and only when absolutely needed.  Chief Cassin urged the Battalion Chiefs to remember they also provide air support, victims assistance and hydration, so please call anytime you think you need them.


16.  The tactical and boats now have a maintenance day.  Battalion Chiefs need to enforce that this is being done.


17.  Station 53 recently suffered a broken water line.  Chief Brown stated that Prince Alexander is trying to find the contractor responsible for the work.  We are not sure if there will be a charge from Bargersville Utilities.


18.  Motorola has fixed the radios at station 52.  Everything else should be finished this week and then it will be up to Johnson County to implement the station alerting.  Current issues:

                                                                                       i.      Reset buttons are actually acknowledgement buttons.

                                                                                     ii.      Using CW2 talk group for data burst for station alerting.

Everyone agreed that we need to make a list of the problems we have had with the system, as well as items that are not as Motorola said they would be, then have Chief Tibbetts address them with Bill Walker, then possibly with the entire group of Commissioners.


19.  Next senior staff meeting has been moved from Thursday, June 26 to Wednesday, June 25 due to PHTLS class.


20.  Chief Tibbetts received a letter from McNeil & Company stating that if we have minimal claims our premium will be dropped from $85,000 to $60,000.  If we can go another year with minimal claims, it will drop to $40,000.  A copy of the letter will go to Scott and to Kim (for files).


21.  Someone placed linseed oil in the primer.  This has been a consistent problem, even though it has been labeled.  Battalion Chiefs need to make sure their chauffeurs know this.


22.  Chief Tibbetts gave approval to Battalion Chiefs to wear polo shirts on duty, when not in the public.    Chief Tibbetts also gave approval for career personnel to have union clothing removed from their clothing allowance.


23.  No further new business.