White River Township Fire Department
Senior Staff Meeting
May 29, 2003
[P] Chief Tibbetts
Chief Cassin
[P] Chief Brown
[P] Chief Slauter
[ ] Chief Thacker
[P] Chief Young
[P] Kim Clawson
[ ] Others:
- Discussion
on recent poor lawn maintenance at station 53. Chief Tibbetts will follow up and get a confirmed schedule
from Ed Carlson as well as getting proof of insurance from him.
- Discussion
on bids received for lawn care (weed control) at station 53. It was agreed that we should contract
with Greenwoods’ Finest, based on the information provided in their bid. Chief Tibbetts advised Chief Cassin to
present this to Paul Kite before signing the contract.
- Chief
Tibbetts stated that because Ed Carlson is mowing all three stations,
there should be no excuse for stations looking dirty. The new Saturday crew duty will be
outside station/grounds maintenance issues.
- Discussion
on recent problems with our water softener. After discussion, it was agreed that a single tank should be
sufficient for our needs. Again,
Chief Tibbetts advised Chief Cassin to present this to Paul Kite before
signing the contract.
- Chief
Tibbetts commended everyone on a very productive strategic planning
session held yesterday.
- Chief
Young suggested that we review our run statistics and see if we would
qualify for our own dedicated ambulance.
- Chief
Young stated that Public Safety Medical would be here on June 9th
to do all lab work for the 2003 physicals.
- Chief
Young gave an update on a recent Marion County Safety Officers meeting he attended.
- IFD,
Pike and Washington are revising their RIT and mayday responses and
creating a mayday box response.
Chief Young suggested that we review our SOG regarding this.
Chief Young also stated that our mutual aid could potentially
increase because of this change in box alarms.
- Marion
County department are updating their SCBAs to include heads up displays
and RIT fittings.
is now stating that hearing loss is a reportable injury.
- Marion
County had 470 on duty injuries in 2002.
- National
Fire Academy’s Advanced Safety Operations course will be offered at Wayne
Township Fire Department sometime in January ’04. See Chief Young for more information.
recently reported the collapse of a raised cab on one of their American
LaFrance engines. Luckily no one
was under it when it happened.
They have since created a secondary device that will support the
cab in case of this type of failure.
This device must be in place now any time they have someone under
the cab. IFD is reviewing this
incident, as is ALF.
Chief Young suggested that we immediately review our SOG for
apparatus maintenance and determine if any changes need to be made to improve
safety of our personnel while working under the cabs.
- Marion
County personnel were impressed with our new accountability tag system
and are considering changing theirs to something similar.
has a new standard out which dictates the use of reflective material on a
highway. Chief Young will
research this further and look into our options. In the mean time, turnout gear is a