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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Senior Staff Meeting | |
May 1, 2003 ~ 0900 hours | |
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Present: Chief
Deputy Chief Cassin
Battalion Chiefs Slauter and Young
Administrative Assistant
Kim Clawson
Chief Tibbetts called the meeting to order at 0909 hrs.
1. Chief Tibbetts reminded everyone to please use common sense on animal runs.
Follow up discussion on SWAT medic team.
- All volunteer - no one will
be paid for this.
- Sheriffs Department will
issue all equipment and be responsible for work comp coverage.
- All must be Paramedics.
- No firearms allowed.
- Chief Tibbetts will act as
the liaison for this.
- If personnel are on duty when
a run is dispatched, they will not be going.
- Scott will have Wayne start a
policy covering the SWAT medic team. Once it has been finalized, Chief
Tibbetts will
forward to Sheriff
3. Discussion on Corporation disciplinary procedures. Chief Tibbetts will contact Jeff Campbell to follow up on the recent issue. From now on, no copies will be made of any disciplinary action. If a Corporation board member wishes to see the write up, they are to contact Chief Tibbetts. Also, any officer issuing a written disciplinary action, must also verbally inform the employee of their grievance rights.
4. Kim reviewed the items on the projects list with
everyone and will make the necessary changes in the table below.
- Medic
51 issues have been addressed by Chief Tibbetts. The medic crew will be
permanently stationed at station
52 starting May 2nd.
Cecilia's last day with Rural Metro is May 10th.
- Lt.
Settles is having a barn cleaning detail at station 51 on Friday, May 9th.
- Space
is available in the station 53 barn for auxiliary items and Strawberry Festival
Uniform patches are in and being distributed by Chief Young.
Rekeying station locks has been placed on hold due to budget constraints.
- Small
Pox vaccinations were offered to our employees. No one chose to accept at
this time.
- Chief
Young will implement a fire gear budget as part of his capital outlay budget
- Chief
Young has reissued the school lunch program schedule.
grant was completed and submitted.
- All
bids received for office cleaning came back too high to be in this year's budget
so we must remain with the
company that we have now.
5. Chief Cassin distributed a new command chart.
6. Reminder to all division heads to submit your completed budget to Chief Cassin no later than May 15.
7. After discussion, it was agreed that handheld radios will be retrieved from the Lieutenants who currently have them. Chief Slauter will take care of this.
8. Chief Young requested that we review the purchase of an ice machine for station 53. Everyone agreed that this was needed. Chief Young will research options and let us know at the next Senior Staff.
9. Keys to the pool car will be kept in a small lock box in the reception area.
10. Reminder that all companies need to stay in their respective districts and the Battalion Chiefs need to enforce this. They also need to notify the Battalion when they are going off station.
11. Chief Slauter will develop an SOG regarding Battalion Chief responses out of district.
12. Chief Young suggested that some type of formal training be developed for those corporation personnel who are serving in a 'backup' officer capacity on the engines.
13. Reminder that every fire MUST have an investigator and the appropriate section must be completed on the report in FireHouse.
Cassin: |
Thacker: |
Slauter: |
> Contact Center Grove schools for their emergency plan - communicate findings with other WRTFD Battalions. |
Young / Slauter: |
> Homeland security. |
Young: |
> Finish any policies still outstanding and forward to Chief Cassin. > Summer uniform order. > Finish accountability tags and distribute. > Basic equipment on staff vehicles. > Gear racks for on duty crews. > Running boards. > Haz mat resource options for staff vehicles. > How to make Tier Two reports accessible to all. |