White River Township Fire Protection District | |
Senior Staff Meeting | |
March 20, 2003 ~ 0900 hours | |
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Present: Chief
Deputy Chief Cassin
Battalion Chiefs Slauter, Thacker and Young
Administrative Assistant
Kim Clawson.
Chief Tibbetts called the meeting to order at 0905 hrs.
1. Chief Cassin stated that he still needed policy revisions from Chiefs Thacker and Young.
2. Chief Tibbetts approved a cleaning detail for the barn at station 51. Kim requested that whoever oversees this be sure not to throw away items belonging to the Auxiliary or items that can be used for the Strawberry Festival. Chief Cassin will look into possibly moving these items to the barn at station 53 if there is enough room. Chief Cassin will contact Lt. Settles next week and notify him of the approval to clean. Reminder that there are to be absolutely NO PERSONAL ITEMS stored in any department mini barn.
3. Kim updated everyone on the status of the grant availability from FEMA. We have until April 11 to submit our grant application. After discussion, it was decided that we should apply for training equipment, including video conferencing equipment. Joel, Don, Scott & Kim will work together on this.
4. Kim stated that she is in the process of receiving bids for cleaning the offices. Only one has been submitted so far, and another appointment is scheduled for this afternoon.
5. Senior Staff meeting for April 3rd has been canceled because of FDIC and Spring Break. At this time, no rescheduling has been done and we will not meet again until April 17th. If a special Senior Staff meeting is needed before then it will be scheduled and everyone will be notified.
6. Be sure to write a note for the file any time you charge something to the department credit card and you don't have a receipt. Also, be sure to take a tax exempt slip with you any time you are making a purchase, even if we have an account with that vendor. Chief Cassin stated that we still need to be requesting POs before any purchase is made.
7. Chief Slauter gave an update from the meeting he attended with City of Greenwood's Homeland Security committee. Details were discussed which cannot be placed in the minutes due to their sensitive nature. Chiefs Slauter and Tibbetts will contact Jerry Dunn at the Center Grove School Corporation to see what their emergency response plan is and how it will affect the fire department. Also, White River's response to the Homeland Security initiative was placed in effect today and finalized copies will be given to all officers. Any questions, please contact Chief Slauter.
8. Chief Young reported that fire watch activities at Center Grove Elementary are almost complete. He requested, and was granted, permission to obtain a plaque for a special ceremony that will be held there on the Friday after the school re-opens from Spring Break. Anyone attending this ceremony should be in their Class A uniform.
9. Chief Young stated that the accountability tags have been finalized and are in the process of being made at this time. This will take several days so please be patient. Also, he has contact Darryl Slevin who is still working on the running boards. These should be in service very soon.
10. Chief Young showed samples of the new t-shirts that will be ordered from a new vendor. These are just slightly more expensive than the ones we have now through another vendor, but are a much better quality, as is the screenprinting.
11. Chief Young stated that Scott DeFord is the department's new Fitness Coordinator. The fitness committee will be led by Scott and will consist of Lt. Wilson, Lt. Settles, and Lt. Alexander as they have all had the necessary training. Jake Kocher will also be part of this committee because he has shown his commitment and enthusiasm for this project. The committee will work under the Health and Safety Division and will be reporting to Chief Young. A meeting for all involved will be conducted at the first possible opportunity.
12. Chief Cassin stated that the sample patch just came in this week. With a minor change or two, he will call and get them ordered. We are looking at another month or two for them to come in.
13. Chief Tibbetts requested that Chief Young, when he orders the plaque for the school, also order "thank you" plaques for Greenwood Fire Station #92 and the City of Greenwood. Chief Young will get with the Chief later on to discuss content and wording. Chief Tibbetts stated that once the threat level has been decreased, he would like to invite Greenwood 92 crews to a steak dinner at station 52.
Tibbetts: |
Cassin: |
Brown: |
Thacker: |
Slauter: |
> Contact Center Grove schools for their emergency plan - communicate findings with other WRTFD Battalions. |
Young / Slauter: |
> Homeland security. |
Young: |
> Finish any policies still outstanding and forward to Chief Cassin. > Small Pox vaccination. > Summer uniform order. > Fire gear budget. > Finish accountability tags and distribute. > Basic equipment on staff vehicles. > Gear racks for on duty crews. > Running boards. > Haz mat resource options for staff vehicles. > How to make Tier Two reports accessible to all. > Plaques for Center Grove Elem., Greenwood #92, and City of Greenwood. > Work with fitness committee. |
Clawson: |