White River Township Fire Protection District
Senior Staff Meeting
February 6, 2003  ~  0900 hours


Present:    Chief Tibbetts
                Deputy Chief Cassin
                Fire Marshal Brown
                Battalion Chiefs Slauter and Young 
             Administrative Assistant Kim Clawson. 


  1. Chief Tibbetts is still working on disposing of the Crown Victoria.
  1. Chief Tibbetts is still working with Greenwood Fire Dept on mutual aid issues.
  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that he has not yet been able to get to the state house to meet our political representatives.  He has been attending the Commissioner meetings.
  1. Chief Cassin presented the revised chain of command tree.  This shows the current district employees, as well as Hart, Smith & Alford who will be starting within the next couple of months.

Chief Tibbetts stated that there were some items that were brought up at the last staff meeting that should not have been addressed at that meeting.  The Battalion Chiefs need to remind their personnel to follow the chain of command tree.

  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that he is currently reviewing our discipline policy.  All policies will be divided by divisions and distributed to the appropriate Chief officer for review and recommendations for changes.  Chief Cassin will distribute these policies at the next meeting.
  1. Chief Cassin has developed a tracking system for call offs.  The Battalion Chiefs are using this system and so far all seems to be going well.
  1. Discussion and agreement to bill mutual aid agencies $250 if our Paramedic performs and ALS service.  Bruce will catch this with his audits.  Scott says billing will not be a problem with the software we currently have (Quick Books).
  1. Chief Cassin has notified Morgan County dispatch of the appropriate numbers to call when they request our assistance.  We have asked them to remove our station 53 number from their records.
  1. Awards banquet critique:
    1. Get started on time next year – maybe 6pm instead of 7pm?
    2. Find better/quicker way of distributing door prizes.
    3. Review awards lists.
    4. Next year, review each others speeches to make sure everything that needs to be discussed will be.
    5. Room layout could be better, although we have no control over it.
    6. Firefighter “gifts” must come from corporation.
    7. More group pictures after event.
    8. Do away with swearing in ceremony other than for career new hires.  Keep badge pinning ceremony!
    9. Anyone giving a speech should sit at the front of the room.
    10. Call people to the front, then discuss their award while they are walking up.
    11. Hold applause until the end of each presentation.
    12. Monitor possible underage drinking next year.  Anyone caught will be fired immediately.
    13. Track ‘year in review’ items throughout the year instead of trying to remember everything the week before the banquet.  Scott mentioned a good source for next year will be the newsletters.
  1. Letters have been sent to all mutual aid departments outlining what our response will be if they call for our assistance.
  1. Chief Slauter stated that the clear coms have been distributed and memos have been posted.
  1. Chief Young stated that if it is the Chiefs directive for the Quartermaster system to move to the Health and Safety Division, the money should also be moved and all controls should be placed under him.  Otherwise, there will be too many tracking problems.  Everyone agreed.  The Chief will issue a memo and Scott will handle getting the money transferred.  A summer order needs to be made ASAP.  Some members have requested a new on-duty shirt that has the new patch screen printed on the front.  Chief Tibbetts denied this request.
  1. Chief Young discussed a recent incident where Engine 53 was responding to a run with Bargersville Fire Dept. and lost their 5” hose while enroute.  Carey sated that he is opposed to soft covers and will have Joe check into a foil.  Chief Tibbetts stated that it needs to be loaded properly to begin with and this problem would not occur.  Carey stated that it is also a training issue which he will take care of.
  1. Chief Young stated that he has been approached by a couple of different personnel regarding station and shift changes.  Chief Tibbetts denied this and stated that people would be moved when it was best for the Department.  Don stated that we need to make sure we have a backup aerial chauffeur.  Everyone agreed that person must be certified.  Everyone also agreed that it’s probably time again for another aerial class. 
  1. Chief Brown stated that the Fire Watch project at Center Grove Elementary School should be complete in 5-6 weeks.  Chief Young stated that he would like to see the crews go to lunch at the schools every Thursday.  Everyone felt that this was a good idea as long as it is properly monitored.  Thoughts:  don’t get overtaxed, don’t do for a few weeks then discontinue, be consistent, don’t rush in and eat then leave, etc.  Chief Young will address this with the career personnel first, as well as develop a list of guidelines and expectations.  This will be introduced at the next regular staff meeting on February 20.
  1. Chief Brown met with Best Lock on 2/4.  This initial round of lock/core changes will be quite expensive.  He hopes to have the final cost today.  However, future changes should not be as costly.
  1. Chief Tibbetts has a limited number of passes to FDIC.  Career personnel will be going as well as 24 hr shift personnel.  Anyone else who wants to go should contact him before 2/14.  Also, if you are not using your pass on a specific day, see if you can give it to someone else who wants to go.
  1. Chief Tibbetts wants to meet with Station 52 Lieutenants regarding moving back into station 52.
  1. There will be a Health and Safety Committee meeting on 2/10 at 1330 hrs.
  1. Chief Brown suggested that once station 52 has been released, we should look everything over very carefully and not move back in until all issues are resolved.


  Ø      Crown Victoria disposal.
GFD mutual aid.
Review discipline policy.
Memo regarding quartermaster system.
Meet with station 52 Lieutenants regarding moving back into
      station 52.


  Ø      Distribute policies to appropriate chiefs for review and/or
Funds transfer for quartermaster system.


Best Lock / station security. 


Talk to personnel about following chain of command, especially
      during staff meetings.
Ø      Air foil for hose bed of engine 53.
Training issue regarding hose load on engine 53.


Talk to personnel about following chain of command, especially
      during staff meetings.
Driver Operator Aerial class.


Talk to personnel about following chain of command, especially
      during staff meetings.
Summer uniform order.
Guidelines for lunch at schools on Thursdays.
