White River Township Fire Department

Senior Staff Meeting Minutes

November 20 & 21, 2002


Present During Wednesday’s Meeting:  Chief Tibbetts, Chief Slauter,  Chief Brown, Lt. Arkins, Lt. Skipper, Lt. Wilson, Lt. Young, and Kim Clawson.


Present During Thursday’s Meeting: 



  1. Reminder that Awards Banquet is 2/1/03.  Any award you want ordered or that is to be presented, it must be to Kim by December senior staff meeting.


  1. Written exam for the Battalion Chiefs process is this Friday and the oral interview is Monday.  Chief Tibbetts will be talking with each candidate after the interview.


  1. A letter will be sent out to the membership soon requesting their input on various FD issues.  Some of the questions were discussed.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that company officers are responsible for how their crew dresses.  Make sure they are in the appropriate uniforms!


  1. Effective immediately, anyone needing to take equipment off station (borrowing), approval must be received from Chief Tibbetts first, as well as a note being placed in the Battalion Log.  All equipment is to be returned in the same manner as it was issued in.


  1. Kim gave an update on the dental and health insurance. 


  1.  Chief Slauter stated that the lease has been signed on the tower and the equipment has been ordered.  It should be in service in 10-12 weeks.  Please be patient and document any problems you have with dispatch.