White River Township Fire Department

Senior Staff Meeting Minutes

October 30 & 31, 2002


Present During Wednesday’s Meeting:  Chief Tibbetts, Chief Slauter,  Lt. Settles,  Lt. Skipper, Lt. Wilson, Lt. Young, and Kim Clawson.


Present During Thursday’s Meeting:  Chief Tibbetts, Chief Slauter,  Lt. Settles,  Lt. Skipper, Lt. Young, Lt. Alexander, Chief Cassin and Kim Clawson.



  1. Reminder that Awards Banquet is 2/1/03.  If you have someone you want invited, please get the names AND ADDRESSES to Kim before December’s senior staff meeting.  Same assignments/speeches as last year.


  1. Kim will be getting with the Battalion Chiefs and updating them on the Victims Assistance procedures that the Auxiliary will now be following.  Kim & Andrea have recently been cleared by the Red Cross to write vouchers for the Red Cross for victims’ immediate needs.


  1. Dental insurance rates have increased 15%.  We need to get our insurance agent in to discuss our options sometime in November.


  1. After recent state audit, Kim needs all POs and charge card receipts.  If you lose the receipt for the master card, or order something by phone and do not get a faxed confirmation, please write the information down on a sheet of paper and get it to Kim so there is a proof of the transaction for the records.


  1. Sign out printer cartridges and show what printer it is going to.


  1. Kim reviewed how to use time sheets.


  1. Kim will be distributing vehicle usage sheets to those personnel with staff cars.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that since the Department is paying for the Nextels, they should be left on during regular business hours, even if you are not on duty.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that the Battalion Chief promotional process will begin in EARLY December.  The correct date is not known, but it is anticipated that one phase will be on a Friday, the second phase on the following Monday, and the list posted on Tuesday.  Chief Tibbetts stated that Lieutenants hired by the District, as of November 1, are eligible to go through the process.  You will be given AMPLE notice of the dates.


  1. Chief Tibbetts has reviewed policies of other FDs and has stated that anyone wishing to attend a training that is not required by the Fire Department, they must pay for it on their own as well as take vacation or comp time for it.  However, if the Department wants you to go to the training, or it is required, the Department will pay for it, as well as arrange for you to have time off.  There will be a policy written regarding this.  The fire chief will have the final say on all requests.


  1. If you are going to be off work, please let everyone on your shift know, and submit your leave request ASAP.


  1. Chief Slauter stated that the issue of hose loads has become a problem again, after it was resolved at the December planning meeting last year.  After discussion it was agreed that all hose loads would be the same on all three engines.  The second part of this will be incorporating it into training so everyone knows how to re-load it.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that his plan is to hire 4 Lieutenants at the first of 2003 then, if the budget is passed, hire 9 engineers after the officers are in place.  The final decision lies with the FPDB.  He does hope we can hire everyone we can asap.


  1. Chief Cassin inquired when Chief Tibbetts wanted to address his replacement battalion with the FPDB.  Chief Tibbetts said to mention it at the November meeting but it would be on the agenda on the December meeting.


  1. Chief Brown addressed problems that the Fire Prevention division is having with people not helping out and requested input from everyone.  Lt. Settles feels that one potential problem could be department morale.  Chief Slauter feels that it could be the current Prevention Lieutenant.  After discussion, it was decided that Fire Prevention activities will continue to be scheduled on Thursdays as much as possible.