White River Township Fire Department

Senior Staff Meeting

January 3, 2002



Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin, Carey Slauter, Eric Brown, Joel Thacker and Kim Clawson.





  1. Chief Tibbetts discussed again the mileage worksheets.


  1. Public education division updates:
    1. Steve is keeping the Lieut. position
    2. Nothing was mentioned about PR during the 12/14 planning meeting.
    3. Casey has moved to M-F so this should help the work load.
    4. If there is a PR event on your shift, the crews are responsible for getting the job done.
    5. Andy is assigned to EMS but will assist with Fire Prevention.


  1. Water rescue program discussion.
    1. Nothing has been officially decided.
    2. We could be a non-moving water agency and ice.
    3. Tug would like to see us be a Haz Mat decon unit.
    4. Chief Slauter should notify other agencies that we are not capable at this time.
    5. Chief Tibbetts will be selling the zodiac and one motor, after he received permission from Paul Kite.  Both will go to Hoffman to sell.


  1. Chief Tibbetts wants us to train to technician level in Haz Mat within the next five years.  We will need to review our billing capabilities for haz mat runs.


  1. Nick Alford is being moved to the B shift.


  1. Compensated trade times must be within the same week.


  1. Training:
    1. Increase trench rescue training.  Don’t plan on responding on trench runs unless you have consistently attended the trainings.
    2. Concentrate on a “team”.  It is easier to train 15 interested people instead of the whole department.
    3. Increase auto extrication trainings.


  1. It has been brought to our attention that personnel are wearing our fire gear at other agencies.  Chief Slauter will review the policy and follow up on this.


  1. Back up battalion chief during a major incident will be the next day’s battalion chief. 


  1. Joel is currently reviewing our ride out policy.


  1. Future Chiefs meetings have been moved to b-shift days.


  1. Lt. Alexander requested that we stop engine runs to priority care facilities.  Everyone agreed that this was NOT a good idea and that we will continue to respond as usual.


  1. Chief Cassin has completed the tobacco policy and is waiting for legal approval.


  1. The 800 system will not be up next week as originally planned.  Kim will be known on the radio as 500.


  1. Employees of the 3rd quarter are Casey Arkins & Nick Alford.  4th quarter is Steve Rowland.  Congratulations!