White River Township Fire Department

Planning Retreat

December 14, 2001




0900-0930       Chief Tibbetts


0930-1000       Administrative Issues & Procedures




1000-1030       Operational Issues & Procedures

                        Discussion /Questions


1030-1130       Individual Goals (personal & professional)


1130-1200       Open Forum


1200-1300             LUNCH


1300-1600             Five Year Plan

Ten Year Vision


1600-1700             Open Forum


1700                Adjourn


White River Township Fire Department

Planning Retreat

December 14, 2001




  1. Reviewed goals set for 2001 at the January 4th planning meeting.
    1. Operations

                                                               i.      Many accidents.  Company officers need to become more accountable for events that happen on shift.

                                                             ii.      Increased consistency among shifts (radios, job assignments, etc.).

                                                            iii.      Finalize decision on hose loads and leave them!!  Z load with modified final 50’.  Need spare hose on trucks.  Use caution with friction loss.  Leave 51s as flat load.

                                                           iv.      Don’t change apparatus set ups without Chief Slauter’s approval!

                                                             v.      Equipment and apparatus maint. tracking discussed.

                                                           vi.      Replacement schedule discussed.

                                                          vii.      Dispatch protocols will be reviewed for Mutual Aid and Dual Responses.

    1. Training

                                                               i.      Search for training facilities for hands on (local homes, Wayne Twp, etc.)

                                                             ii.      Need uniformity between shifts on attack.  BCs to work on this.

                                                            iii.      Raise Haz Mat response levels.  Include Bioterrorism and Haz Mat Technician.

                                                           iv.      Working with Mutual Aid companies on training.

                                                             v.      “Trench Team” discussed. Chief Tibbetts wants a list of those with over 24 hours trench training.  We don’t have a trench team.  We have people who are qualified to perform the skills.

                                                           vi.      CERT.  Change focus to MCI team.  Respond with JCSD on MCIs.  Don’t take rescue out of District unless MCI.

                                                          vii.      Fire Investigation Class this spring.

                                                        viii.      Teach our people first.  Charge outside agencies on applicable classes.

                                                           ix.      Fire prevention would like to hose CPR classes for outside.

    1. Special Operations

                                                               i.      2003 budget draft.

                                                             ii.      Establish teams/disciplines/chairs following NFPA.

                                                            iii.      Quarterly focus trainings will continue.

                                                           iv.      Need to provide outside trainings for team members.

                                                             v.      Heavy equipment from Rescue needs to go onto the PM list.

                                                           vi.      Work with Johnson County fire departments on trainings.

                                                          vii.      Goals: 

1.      Water Team (without dive).

2.      Purchase necessary equipment.

3.      Currently trained in all but dive and swift water.

                                                        viii.      Directed to submit budget to Chief Slauter, who will review it with Chief Tibbetts.

                                                           ix.      Wilson requested 2nd main tool on Engine 52.  Auth. Chief Tibbetts, no, we must use mutual aid.

                                                             x.      We will need new cribbing soon.

    1. EMS

                                                               i.      Teach CPR to public at least one class per quarter.

1.      Need more instructors.

2.      Need mannequins.

3.      Direct requests for classes to Bruce.

                                                             ii.      Discussion on setting up tables at grocery stores to do cholesterol and BP checks for public.

                                                            iii.      Become our own training agency for PHTLS.

                                                           iv.      Victims in special ops trainings.

                                                             v.      Awards for cardiac saves.  Will need to meet set criteria which are TBA.

                                                           vi.      EMS Ops and EMS Trainings split.

                                                        vii.      Run reports are officers responsibility.

                                                        viii.      Ambulance from Rural Metro housed at WRTFD.  Bruce will let house officer know.  On station attitudes must improve.  See BC with problems.

    1. Maintenance

                                                               i.      Central location.

                                                             ii.      Small supply common maint. items.

                                                            iii.      Computer tracking and maint. history.

                                                           iv.      Education (Waterous School, etc.)

                                                             v.      Reduce down time on equipment.

                                                           vi.      4 packs o.o.s. for PASS.

                                                          vii.      2002 NFPA is rewriting SCBA standards.  WRTFD would eventually like to go to all new.

                                                        viii.      Combine apparatus and equipment divisions (already done).

                                                           ix.      Better communication from company officers to maint.

                                                             x.      Gradually purchase replacement equipment.

                                                           xi.      Have spare equipment on hand.

                                                          xii.      Keep hard copy of records as backup.

                                                        xiii.      Make list of items to be kept at each house.

    1. Fire Prevention.

                                                               i.      Met most goals set in January.

                                                             ii.      Until we have career public education officer we will always have room for improvement.  Must have support of entire department.

                                                            iii.      CPR – large request for classes.

                                                           iv.      Casey will be handling pre plans and inspections starting January 2002.

                                                             v.      Eric & Casey can now enforce Greenwood City ordinances.

                                                           vi.      Fire Investigations Class this year.

                                                          vii.      Eric is now a member of Planning & Zoning board.

                                                        viii.      2002 goals

1.      Public Education improvement

2.      Need to be more visible – Eric is attending commissioner meetings beginning in January.

3.      Spend more time with plan review – state fire marshal no longer approves – leaves up to local jurisdiction.

4.      LNTB started four years ago.  Now doing “Risk Watch”.

5.      Lost $15,000 due to fire reports not having insurance information.  Chiefs Slauter & Thacker will address this as a training issue.

6.      More involved in adult education.

7.      Homeowners associations.

8.      Strawberry Festival:  advertise for item to be purchased..

9.      Update PR outlines.

10.  Juvenile firesetters.  Sending info to schools so they know what type of program we have.

11.  Investigator on every fire.  List will come out.

12.  Please call investigator asap.  If obvious cause, don’t call.

13.  Carey & Joel will begin QC reports.




2002 Personnel

            Wilson – Training                      Alexander – EMS

            Arkins – Investigations  Martindale – Code Enforcement

            Settles – Special Ops                Skipper – Maintenance

            Engmark – Training                   Marsh – Maintenance

            Alford – Reserves                     Rowland – Public Education



Purchasing Schedule

2001/2002       Engine 53

                        Two staff vehicles.

2002                                Tactical

Two staff vehicles.

Auxiliary truck.

            2003/2004       Station 54


2004                Tanker or Rescue

Two staff vehicles.

Station 51 renovation.

2005                                Training facility and tower.

Two staff vehicles






  1. Borst meeting – will ask for tax levy increase.  We cannot lose the SR135 corridor.
  2. House dues – go through corporation.
  3. Senior staff meetings are mandatory.
  4. Do not wear FDNY articles on duty.
  5. Uniform committee – policy rewritten; no BDUs; 6 pocket duty pants are okay.
  6. Awards Banquet is January 26th.