White River Township Fire Protection District

Senior Staff Meeting Minutes                                                                                                           January 4, 2001



Present:                Chief Dutton                                         Lieutenant Thacker

                                Battalion Chief Tibbetts                      Lieutenant Alexander

                                Battalion Chief Cassin                         Kim Clawson

                                Division Chief Brown





1.        Meeting called to order at 8:00 a.m.  The purpose of this meeting will be to establish goals for ourselves, as well as the Department as a whole, for 2001.




                From Chief Dutton

·         Work with Joe Marsh on implementing the 800mhz radio system.

·         Specifications for new engine.

·         Work closer with Lt. Marsh and Lt. Skipper on apparatus repair.

·         Work with Chief Dutton and Lt. Wilson on manning of station 53.  Goal is two positions from corporation on a shift at each station.

From Chief Tibbetts

·         Review apparatus responses and placement.

·         Engine needs to leave room for aerial set up on scenes.

·         Would like to work on getting extra hose in reserve.

·         Motivation for personnel for training.




                From Chief Dutton

·         Accountability and evacuation trainings.

·         Once an SOG is in place, training should be held to exercise that SOG in the field.

·         Improve safety officers.

·         Training houses can be used without burning.

·         Officer related (management) trainings.

·         Work with Chief Brown on reducing the area west of Morgantown Road from ISO 9 to 8.

From Lieutenant Thacker

·         Work on safety trainings with Lt. Slauter (RIT, Get Out Alive, Accountability, Evacuation, etc.)

·         Train all personnel to same standard.  Need uniformity from shift to shift in attack, etc.

·         High standards in basic areas.  Hose lays, etc.

·         Raise Haz Mat level to Operations.

·         Implement a Health and Fitness Program.  Currently trying to get equipment donated.  Main focus will be on cardiovascular.

·         Will be department’s lead contact in Police and Fire Games.  (Chief Dutton stated that Lt. Wilson may already be doing some things for this and to see what he has already accomplished.)

·         Need to improve the cadet program.  (Chief Dutton stated that he will take care of this personally.  He is waiting for Corporation Board members to take office.)

·         Would like to review uniforms and get one consistent uniform department-wide.  Would also like to redesign the patch.  (Chief Dutton stated that our 50 year anniversary is coming up in 2002.  Perhaps that would be a good time to change.)




                From Chief Dutton

·         Concentrate on water and trench trainings.

·         Work with Lieutenant Thacker on getting us to Haz Mat Operations level.

                From Lieutenant Settles

·         Would like to be given a budget specifically for the rescue program.  (Chief Dutton stated that Lt. Settles needs to submit one to him for approval.)

·         Inventory and establish preventive maintenance schedule for all rescue equipment.

·         Quarterly focus trainings.

·         Would like to change focus of CIRT Tactical Team to MCI response team.  (Chief Dutton denied that request and stated that  this team was developed to provide ALS medical support to the Sheriff’s Department SWAT team during their operations.  He will discuss this further with Lt. Settles when he returns from vacation.)




                From Chief Dutton

·         Bloodborne Pathogens required trainings.

·         Community based trainings with the fire prevention division (CPR classes & fire extinguisher classes).  Advertise CPR course availability.

·         Top priority is 12 lead EKG.

From Lieutenant Alexander

·         Host PHTLS class.

·         Would like to send an instructor from each shift to attend the AHA instructor course coming up in March or April of this year.  Once instructors are obtained, CPR classes can begin.

·         Need equipment to teach CPR classes.

·         ACLS course either for our personnel recertification or for outside agencies  (could charge for class).

·         Will be working with Kim in getting some moulage done for EMS trainings.

·         Will be working with Lt. Settles in coordinating specialized EMS training with special operations training.  (ie:  auto extrication w/victims)

·         Obtain 12 lead EKG for Engine 51.

·         Host skills session week for our personnel.

·         Would like to develop a program that rewards cardiac arrest workers.  There will be specific patient criteria.




                From Chief Dutton

·         Would like crews to be able to gain entrance to large buildings under construction to review pre plans.

·         School evacuation plans.

·         Public education to more than just schools (ie:  churches, homeowners assoc, businesses, etc.)

From Chief Brown

·         Would like the Battalion Chief to enforce pre plans and inspections getting done on the assigned day.

·         Will be replacing the Pub. Ed. Lt. Effective February 1st.  Andy is stepping down due to family issues.

·         Need personnel support during public education events.

·         Investigating local ordinances.  Working with Prosecutor on enforcement.

·         Investigations class in April or May.

·         CPR education for the community.

·         Work closer with Greenwood Planning and Zoning.

·         Committee for paying standby personnel better.  Would like volunteer corporation to be able to pay more than 3% for someone who gets above 300 points on their evaluation.  (Chief Dutton stated that he will be working with Scott Alexander on this.)




                From Chief Dutton

·         Begin heading Grant researches.

·         Begin heading building repairs and maintenance for all three stations, effective 1/1.  Chief Dutton will continue with current projects.

From Chief Cassin

·         Obtain high speed internet connection.

·         Work on website more often.

·         Rehab vehicle for Auxiliary.

·         Upgrade Battalion Log.